Tuesday, December 9, 2014

*YOU are a Badass* - How To Make The Universe Your Buddy

It turns out...I have complete control of my life, and it's only taken my entire 35 years on this earth to figure it out. I started my 36th year yesterday, and for that I am Thankful and excited and ready, because from here on out...my life is going to be badass. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about my current life, or how things have gone, my life is pretty damn amazing....but it can be SO MUCH MORE!

Here's how my revelation came about. It all started when my wonderful and inspiring Beachbody coach decided to set up a Book Challenge group for December. She picked the book. We all bought it. We all started to read. My life started to change...like within minutes, maybe even seconds. I'm on chapter 5...FIVE! 50 pages in and here I sit so full of excitement that I'm already blogging about it!! (I kind of have a feeling there will be a lot more posts on this book).
Here it is! Here's the magical book that is changing my life!
I kind of feel like rainbows are shooting out of my eyes...there's that much going on inside me...which is kind of a lot, if you think about it.
So I'm not going to go into extreme detail on the book, if you want to know what's in it, you can most certainly buy it for yourself. This isn't a sales pitch to get you to buy the book, it makes no difference to me whether you read this book or not. I AM however going to tell you about my experiences in the last few days, and how I was living my life all wrong before. 
So let's go there...

I think for pretty much my whole life, I've been trying to fool the Universe. Sitting there day after day after day wondering when IT was going to happen...wondering why IT hadn't happened yet, and thinking I was doing every thing in my power to get IT. Feeling frustrated, I would often just think I didn't deserve IT, I was never going to get IT, IT didn't really even matter, why would someone like ME get something like IT? Maybe I already had it and it wasn't what I thought it would be and I should just shut up and keep living.
Now IT can be whatever you want it to be. It's really too big to explain. Happiness, friends, love, faith, peace, understanding, money...the list can go on and on.

The point is...the vibrations I was sending out were all wrong. My whole life I'v been "shy". It's been my inner excuse for EVERYthing. People don't like me because I'm shy. I can't get up in front of people because I'm shy. I don't easily make new friends because I'm shy. Not because I'm not nice, it's just that I'm shy. I'd walk into a room sending off silent vibrations that said "nobody is going to talk to me, they already don't like me", and then I sat there alone in the corner, baffled over why nobody was talking to me. "Why doesn't anybody like me?". Well, it was because I was telling them not too! I was basically begging them to leave me alone. Nothing about me or what I was vibing out said "hey everyone, I'm here! Let's party!"
I told myself though that I was different. This time I'll make 1,000 new friends. This time they'll all love me and we'll dance off into the sunset like 12 year old bff's. But nothing inside me was changing. My thoughts and beliefs about myself had not changed. I was simply trying to fool the Universe about who I was. It turns out, you can't quite do that. 

So here's the good news (and quite possibly my favorite quote from the book so far:

"You are loved. Massively. Ferociously. Unconditionally. The Universe is totally freaking out about how awesome you are. It's got you wrapped in a warm gorilla hug of adoration. It wants to give you everything you desire. It wants you to be happy. It wants you to see what it sees in you."

So...all I needed to do was change all those stupid bad inner negative thoughts and feelings...make them positive...then BELIEVE in them. That's key right there....remember you can't fool the Universe, you must truly and utterly believe...

Just like that I started. I left my front porch and I actually felt one with the Universe. I was SO excited to be out in it, I was SO excited to see what The Universe had to offer. I truly and genuinely finally believed that I was awesome and I was finally ready. Then amazing things started to happen. 
My vibes changed from "I'm shy and nobody likes me" to "I'm awesome, let's hold hands!". I could feel the positive vibrations, and others could too (I'm assuming, because people were SO incredibly nice). I wanted to hug the person in the car next to me at the stop light, and I felt like maybe they wanted to hug me too. I wanted to talk to every person I saw, find out how their day was, really connect with them, even though they were complete strangers. I started talking...to strangers! GASP! Something "shy" Emily would NEVER do because, after all, they weren't going to like me anyway...
The "strangers" would talk back, and it turns out they were nice! Not scary and mean like the strangers in my head...the ones telling me to go back home and close my blinds...
Wow...so refreshing! 

Not saying it's easy to just change all negative from positive...but it IS completely doable. I mean Pitbull did it and then wrote a song about it, so...
You just have to decide to do it. Decide. Commit. BELIEVE. Done. Magic. Rainbows. Unicorns. 

That's really all there is to it. 

"It's just as easy to believe we're awesome as it is to believe we're giant sucking things. It takes the same amount of energy. The same amount of focus. So why do we choose all the drama?"

This was even reiterated to me yesterday at my Grandma's Memorial Service. She was the most positive person on the planet. That didn't mean she had a perfect life and rode unicorns all day. She had some pretty shitty things happen in her days....but you'd never know. She was incredible, positive, loving, and magical. The best description of her from yesterday is "prayer warrior". She prayed like you wouldn't believe. She was connected. Connected to God. Connected to The Universe. Connected to all things LOVE. I never heard her complain. Nope. She chose positive. And people freaking loved her. It was pretty impossible not too.

So...this post isn't about working out, or eating healthy...it's simply about being a better YOU. Because you are a badass, and YOU deserve. You just have to believe it. 

Now let's go workout.... ;)
I love this one. Just look how hard he believes it and wants it and is making it happen. Tear...

Happy Tuesday. Now go.be.awesome.
