Wednesday, September 12, 2018

I cleaned a coffee pot today...

I often judge myself through the eyes of other moms...
Does that even make sense?
"Oh, both of your kids are in school all day? You must...
   have so much time
   be bored 
   get a lot done
   sit on the couch all day
   do nothing
   watch tv 

I sit here and actually WORRY about what other moms/dads/people think I much so that I feel like I have to justify what it IS that I do all day. Which is dumb, I don't need too. I know perfectly well what I do all day, and you are about to know too.

First and foremost, with age and momhood, has come Anxiety, something I never experienced before,  or at least never really noticed before. It doesn't take much to "freak me out" or "stress me out" or "anything me out"... And the bottom line is, at this point in my life, I COULD NOT be a full time working mom. I honestly and completely have NO idea how you full time mommas do it. You are incredible and amazing in my eyes and like magical mystical unicorns with capes and glitter and I just can't process how you work all day and keep your house in check and feed the people that live in your house and all the other things that come with mommin'....I really just can't even process it.

Yes, I had the full time gig before. From 2001 to 2012 I worked full time. 2+ of those years with a baby person. I managed and did ok, but once #2 started growing in my oven, I knew right then I wouldn't be able to do it all. (Also, my income wouldn't cover full time daycare, so that's honestly the first reason I didn't go back to work, I also just didn't want to work, not one bit). Yes, I chose this life and I'm "hashtag blessed" I have a hard working hubby who takes care of our family while I spend all day long at Target (just kidding. Kind of).

Anyway...I always feel like I have to justify my life (which again, I don't). But it's also kind of fun to put down in writing what I've done, because at the end of each day, when I do finally sit down and turn on the Tv (which has been OFF all day long), I try to think back to what the hell I did and why I'm so tired and why it doesn't look like I did a damn thing....

7am - Wake up time. Waking up sucks. I'd rather sleep in, but here I am, dragging my ass out of bed so I can begin our day and wake my small roommates. Please note my husband has been LONG gone for the day, cuz he's a damn magical beast. I don't even hear him leave.
7:30-8:30 - the morning shenanigans....literally dragging the small people out of their beds, helping them become productive members of society, making them breakfast, making lunches, preparing snacks,  asking them 88 times to do things, pick up, brush their teeth, get their shoes on, etc (the chore chart is helping SO much 😳).
8:30 - shuttle the precious angels to school. Sometimes we drive. Sometimes we drive/walk (because Lord knows asking them to walk .6 miles to school in the morning would not go well...and really it IS a small hike, and nobody has time for that...)
8:50 - the children have entered their classrooms and I mentally start prepping for whatever it is I've makeshift planned for the day. Monday and Tuesday I head off to a local art studio where I help out and take care of social media stuff (which we'll get to later, because social media has no hours and is a 24/7 "job" I right? Yes, I am). But today is not one of those days, so back home I go.
8:53 - arrive home. Sit in chair. Open laptop. Get sucked into Facebook land for roughly one hour while I mentally prepare to workout.
9:50 ish - notice some grass on the floor. Hell NO. Grab dust buster and bust the shit out of the front hallway. Oh look, dog pee, on the dance bag. Empty and clean dance bag. Clean floor. Re-clean floor. Fuck, I hate dog pee. When did he do this? My fault for leaving the bag on the floor. I'm a "leave shit on the floor" person...I need to stop doing that. One day I will. One day...
9:56 - Ok, time to workout, wait, why is that window so dirty? Drink pre-workout while staring out dirty ass window. Nope. This won't do. Get out all window cleaning devices and clean the inside and out of the doorwall (sliding door).
not ok
professional quality

Pre-workout has kicked in, but while I was out there, I noticed a few craps that really needed to be picked up. Pick up chihuahua crap. Take out to garbage at curb. Re-arrange patio furniture real quick and question why we never sit outside. It's nice outside. We should sit outside. Meh.
Oh, I should workout.
10 ish - head downstairs to my mom workout station and push play. Yes, I'm hashtag lucky and shit that I can/do workout every day. This is a non-negational for me. This keeps me sane and stuff.
11 ish - come upstairs a hot sweaty smelly AF mess. Think about how hashtag thankful I am to be at home and not at a gym because I truly smell terrible. Drink my post-workout so I have any chance of walking tomorrow (it was leg day) and feed the dogs.
Feeding the dogs is a process in itself. I have to referee this eating time as they eat different food and it's like a mini circus for approximately 4 minutes.
Don't forget to post that post-workout selfie so everyone knows you worked out (really just the people in my online accountability group or fitness Facebook page, which is quite neglected lately). Otherwise nobody will know and it's like it never happened, clearly. 
oh look, there I am, in a mirror that has yet to be hung...
Scroll facebook real quick to make sure I didn't miss any major life events. I should really shower, I smell.
11:30 - ok I'll shower. Contemplate life and what else I can worry about during said shower. Think about all the things I want to do today but won't.
Noonish - I'm dressed, in a dress at that! Like what? Why? It's clean the house day and here I am wearing a dress. Poor choice, but I like to prove to myself that sometimes I can wear clothes. I'm mostly a cutoff short and tank top, or workout clothes person. I think I'll clean the downstairs bathroom now. Cleans downstairs bathroom.
I'd really like to do a load of towels, but my new washing machine is sitting in the garage, so I guess I'll clean the laundry room floor instead.
12:30pm - bathroom and laundry room clean AF. I should eat lunch. OR, I should start blogging about how damn exciting my day has been! Yes, I'll do that instead.
It's 1:05, here I am typing away. I have only 2.48 hours until I retrieve my tiny roommates from school...Say WHAT? I still have so much to do! Damn.
I'll be right back....
1:10 - make lunch. Eat lunch alone. One of the few times I sit during the day. But it's a state mandated break, so of COURSE I'm taking it. Make sure I didn't miss any life events on fb. Log my calories. Check the weather. Play words with friends if I have time, but there's probably not time. Browse Pinterest for what to make for dinner. Damn, dinner. I forget about this event everyday. I'll think of something to make. Maybe. Time to clean the kitchen, because no matter how many times I do the dishes, there are ALWAYS dishes in the sink. Yes, I should use my dishwasher more, but then I have to unload it. And that's just dumb. Nobody has time for that. Do dishes, think about life.
1:30 - clean sink. But wait, the stove is nasty AF again. Anyone else have to clean/dust their black gas stovetop 98 times a month? But it's still hot from my gourmet tuna melt...I'll do that later.
I guess I'll clean hubby's coffee pot. (yes, it's his, I don't drink coffee. Can you even believe that? I do ALL these magical things without a drip of coffee. Crazy, I know.)

Would you look at that? Now THAT deserves a standing ovation or a high five or something.
I'll wait...


I's like heaven.

1:40pm - put laundry away from yesterday. This alone should earn me an Emmy or an Oscar or some shit. Laundry is the worst. Yet here I am, doing it every 4 seconds. My anxiety can't let my laundry get behind, or else, I'm not sure, I might implode or something...
Prepare new laundry for when my washing machine is ready. (not having a washing machine accessible is giving me a minor heart attack...deep breaths....I can handle this...) And by "prepare" laundry, I mean collect it all, cut all the tags off of all the girl's new clothes, set aside somewhere safe.
I should really wash the sheets today...oh wait. Shit. And the towels, they need to be washed. I guess tomorrow....
1:50 - shuffle shit. Not going to lie, I spend 98% of my day shuffling shit. A term I got from my mom, a master shit shuffler. From counter to table, table to counter, counter A to counter B, things that can't quite be filed yet, or things that don't have a home, school forms, random coupons I might use, shit. Pick up toys and blankets. Pick them up again. Hang up sweatshirts, put away shoes. Do it all again. All day long. My throat hurts. Time for some Airborne. My head kinda hurts too. Gotta clean the stove now. 
2pm - you guys, my stove is SO clean right now? Do you want to come over and see it? Because nobody will notice. And I think it looks really nice....

2:10pm - I went to take a picture of my amazing stove, but couldn't find my phone, so upstairs I went to find it...which means a few more things to shuffle. Found it. Oh, while I'm up here, might as well clean our bathroom. Ok, bathroom #2 done. Wow, I'm like REALLY rocking this day. Also, Lysol toilet bowl cleaner is the best. You really need that gel CLING, and this has it. And I would know, because apparently I'm a domestic Goddess. Lysol.
so much POWER
and here's that clean stove of mine...
2:15pm - speaking of Lysol, I should really use my new Norwex shit...cuz I'm all about not using chemicals and shit. I should dust.

 But first...I need to shuffle this shit around...
They LOVE to play with toys on the TV why? 
Ok...I'm ready!
Norwex dusting glove for the WIN
2:40pm - dusting and shuffling done...for now. I don't sell this stuff, but I'll say, I REALLY enjoyed that dusting glove. I feel like normally the dust just gets shoved around and not really removed, but this bad boy like got it all. I'm happy and will sleep soundly tonight.
But in my shuffling I found this bad boy on the floor next to the chair...(cuz floor...)

How can I throw this away? I mean, it's perfect. (Do you SEE why I have so much stuff, and anxiety to go with?) I'll stick this someplace safe and re-evaluate in a year....

Shit...Less than an hour until I go pick up the roommates. I should vacuum real quick.
No wait, I should dust upstairs with my new toy.
2:48 - That's the cleanest our IKEA black/brown bedroom furniture has EVER been. I'm so amazed right now, I want to like sing a song or something. Instead, I'll just say, that I get it now.
I get you Norwex. 
Really, I don't sell it, this was just my first time, and I'm excited.

Subject change: I just glanced up and saw a hummingbird outside the window. That made me happy. I feel like that's rare. I should get a hummingbird feeder, but is it hummingbird season? I have no idea. But that was exciting. I'll probably even mention it later to my roommates.
Hummingbirds are f-ing adorable. 

2:50pm. I hear the high school bus. I should run outside and grab the recycle bin and check the mail.
Mail isn't here, but I brought the recycle bin up. Sometimes it's nice to pop outside to let the neighbors know I'm alive and well. I know they worry. It's super nice out today. I should get outside more....but it's Facebook post time (work).
3:01pm - ok, that's done. But it's never really done. Like I mentioned before, social media is a 24/7 beast, or at least a 12/7 beast. Between shuffling shit, cleaning, laundry, errands, that's where you'll find me...working away. But it's easy for me, and fun, and I can do it from the couch or from China or from the school parking lot so it works for me.
Speaking of errands...I didn't even leave the house today...on days I have to grocery shop or Target shop or anything else shop...nothing else really gets done, because obviously how could it, I'm only ONE person. I'm not like that magic guy from America's Got Talent that my kids are obsessed with who can go from one place to another in .3 seconds. He'll make a great dad.
3:04pm - I leave soon, so it's not wise to start a new project. Actually, I need to go clean the toilet bowl upstairs...I like to let that shit soak. Lysol. 
3:10pm - so that's done. I went ahead and threw some mascara on as well, so I look like the super model that I am. While I was doing that, I missed a call. I'm sure it was super important. I feel bad I missed it. Sometimes I google the number, just to see if I can figure out who/what it was.
Anyone else? No? Just me? (but really, who called me?)
I haven't even planned dinner yet...shit, it's Girl Scouts tonight...I have 25 forms to fill out and checks to write...but first I'll have to feed my people. Pinterest here I come...

Damn, I need an onion. I don't have an onion...but that haircut is super cute...
I think it'll be a spaghetti and meatballs in the instant pot easy.

3:25pm - This has been the longest I've sat today. Some working, some email (biggest time suck in the history of history). I'll go get my people from school and then the next 3 hours will be a hot mess of homework, dinner1, shuffling school shit, dinner2, filling out forms, cleaning the kitchen again, shuffling shit, girl scouts, snack. Bed.
At THIS moment in time, at 3:26 on a Wednesday, the house is in OK shape. That will all change. And sometime in there we'll also need to carry in the washing machine and hook it up so this momma can do her beloved laundry. I love/hate laundry. 

In the meantime...I hope you enjoyed my day as much as I did. Where nothing got done, but a few things got done...and we'll do it all over again tomorrow...add in laundry...errands...and whatever else it is that I do.