Monday, July 28, 2014

Move.Dance.Do.Something. (Burning calories at home)

First, Happy Monday. I hope this day finds you fantastic, well rested, refreshed, glowing, filled with energy, filled with bubbles of joy, perfect. If not, then just pretend you are all those things. 
Look how mean and tough I am. Today was arm day (at home). I'll post about that later.

I feel like I haven't been to the gym in ions...but life is happening right now and hasn't really allowed for this extra curricular activity of mine. Instead of using that as an excuse to do nothing, I use it as a challenge to do more. So here's what I did on Saturday, right here at my place of residence. 

First and most importantly, turn on some music, whatever music pumps you up, and turn it up LOUD. Music makes you move, and if it doesn't, then you haven't found the right music.

Second, grab a timer. A cell phone timer works perfect. There's no cheating here, so set the time and push through til the end. If you can't make it to the end, then go as far and hard as you can, and try again next time. Add this to your list of goals. I'm sure you have a huge list by now, right? Right?!

Now find one of those 800 pins you've pinned on Pinterest under your nice little Fitness Board, and DO ONE! Or make up your own! Or do what I did! Just do something ;)

Here's what I did:
2 sets of 50 squats on my balance board. 
Jump Squats - 1 minute (this might not seem like a long time, trust me, it IS)
Jump Lunges - 1 minute
Jumping Jacks - 1 minute
Jumping Jacks - 1 minute
Jumping Jacks - 2 minutes
Dancing - 4 minutes (to a song)
Dancing - 4 minutes (new song)
Dancing - 7 minutes (new song)
Jump Squats - 1 minute

Yes I took little breathing breaks between these, but not too long, the point is to keep going here. I stayed moving for about 30 minutes. I am a mom, so in between most of these sets I was changing diapers or wiping butts or making lunch or solving world problems... Just do what you can and keep moving :)
When I say "dancing" - do whatever you want! Do what's in your heart! I run in place, I kickbox, I jump around in circles, I squat, it's all good and it all works! Who cares if you look crazy! Crazy is good when you're burning those calories! Plus, you probably are crazy so it's no big deal ;)

And here's what it looks like... (remember to get the kiddos involved, they love it!)

I wasn't going to make a video but #1 was all "mom, can we please make a video today", so there you have it.

So find your jam and just go with it! Ya heard!

I hope you liked today's larger font too. I don't know why it seems so small to me otherwise, but I wanted to be loud today.

Dance On
emk8 the gr8

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