Monday, November 17, 2014

Do you wanna build a snowman? But first, I need some new boots....

Let's just start by saying that today is the first official snowfall of the season, and I am officially ready to never leave my house again....mostly because I need some new winter boots. Is it too much to ask to have some nice waterproof boots that aren't hideous and also not $800? Please, I just need a little fur, and for my feet not to get wet. Thanks.

Moving on...

 I haven't written in so long, I feel there is so much inside of me I need to get out there on the interweb, or else I might explode. Can you really imagine if I exploded from being so full of amazing thoughts? That would be terrible, and I heard it's totally possible.

First thing in my brain that needs to escape...
Helping people is hard. Not because it's hard to help people, but because it's hard to help people that don't want to help themselves... make sense?
I knew this going into a "healthy" "profession", but it's a struggle man. So I'm throwing this out there into space... I WANT to help you, I LOVE to help you....BUT you HAVE to WANT to help YOURSELF first. There it is. 
This is how I feel...

(cue music)

Do you wanna build a snowman?
Or ride our bikes around the halls
I think some company is overdue
I've started talking to
the pictures on the walls-

(Hang in there, Joan!)
It gets a little lonely
All these empty rooms,
Just watching the hours tick by-
(Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock)

Elsa? (ie: YOU)
Please, I know you're in there,
People are asking where you've been
They say "have courage", and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you, just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?
Do you wanna build a Snowman?

I don't want to talk to the pictures on the walls anymore, I want to talk to you! I'm ready to build snowmen with people! I'm ready to party, but I need people to show up first. A lot of times people DO show up, but then lock themselves in rooms, and then I'm just stuck outside knocking...
SO...think long and hard about what it is you NEED and WANT. Do you actually want help? Do you want a healthy life? Are you ready for a change? Are you done making up excuses? Are you ready to put the past behind you? Are you ready to start feeling amazing? Are you ready to start being amazing? It's in you and you CAN do it, and I'm here for you!

It snowed today. I think that's a sign, don't you? Do you wanna build a snowman?

Sorry if that songs in your head now. No I'm not. 

Now, here's my 4 cents on Christmas in November.... (a critical topic this month)

Christmas is a magical time of year. Like seriously makes people HAPPY, feel good, feel cozy, feel giving, feel loving (and on and on)... Christmas lights and trees and music and decorations remind us of childhood and happy thoughts and family... so telling people they aren't allowed to have these feelings for another month is kind of not your place.
If this doesn't make you feel warm and happy and magical inside, then...yikes

Sometimes people want to feel these feelings for longer than just 25 days, and that's OK! Yes, the day after Halloween tends to be a bit extreme, I agree there, but who am I to tell someone to keep the magic locked up for another month? What harm is it doing you or me if people show up to the Christmas party early? It doesn't have to be your thing, but you don't have to rain on someone else's Christmas parade just because you refuse to think/see/feel/hear Christmas until November 28. I personally don't get out my magic boxes until the day after Thanksgiving...not because I want to ignore those feelings creeping up inside me, but mainly because I'm trying to get the most out of my fall decorations. True story. But when I walk into stores and see reindeer flying from the ceiling, I get a little excited inside. When I play my music on shuffle and that dreaded Christmas song comes on, this time I'm not going to skip it.
So put your tree up, fly your Christmas flag, and make an Eggnog Shakeolgoy (omg can you imagine how good that would be?!)...and if you feel you must wait until after Thanksgiving, then that's ok too! 
Getting in the "Christmas" spirit doesn't mean you don't care about Thanksgiving! Call it "Holiday" spirit and then you are covering your bases! It's the Holiday's people, wrap them all up into one giant box of magic and ENJOY them ALL! 
Also, and probably the most obvious, they just don't make enough cute Thanksgiving decorations! It's really just sad. There's no giant glittery turkey's for our mantles, and not really any good songs...and people just seem to need a little glitter and music this time of year. (Seriously, if you find a giant glittery turkey for my mantle, please buy it for me).
um yeah No. not cute.

At the end of the snowy day, this time of year is all about being Thankful, being happy, being giving, being with family. All of it. And it's really a shame we can't have these feelings all year long, because we really should, don't you agree?

So there they are, some of my thoughts on this snowy-ish November morning. 

Next up will be some healthy meals and snacks, because I know you all have been asking, and I haven't forgotten about you!! 

Tis the season to be better, not get bigger!!

Your neighborhood friend/coach/mentor/adviser/motivator

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