Thursday, October 9, 2014

Is "Almost" enough?

Is "Almost" Enough??

I've told my story before, and I have no problem telling it again. It's nothing dramatic or heroic. I didn't climb Mt. Everest or run or marathon, but I DID set a goal, and then I achieved that goal. I did. 

I've been saying now for probably 5 months how I've "almost" lost 30 lbs. Almost. I was so close, every day I was so close. With weight loss comes ups and downs, gains and losses. It's natural and to be expected. My first goal was 20lbs. I nailed it. So I needed a new goal, "ok" i says... "10 more lbs". Once again friends, it's not about the number on the scale, even though that appears to be what this post is about, it's about being healthy, feeling healthy, looking healthy, being toned, building muscle, etc etc. I could have easily stopped at 20lbs and said "ok I did it. The End".... But we will never go anywhere if we stop at our first goal. When you achieve a goal, never ever stop! Set a new goal and keep on climbing! You know what helps reach new goals?! Crushing old goals! Why stop when you can have, and be, and find so much more. 

So that was my new goal and I was committed. But as the pounds came off, it got harder and harder. I was toned and feeling great, but I still had that goal in mind. I was "almost" there so many times. I decided that "almost" wasn't good enough. It just wasn't. I don't want to say one more time how I "almost" did something, because the bottom line is, I didn't. 
I was stuck in a rut. I went to the gym 4-5 days a week, ran often, ate healthy 90% of the time, worked out at home, did it I thought. 

Then came Beachbody. "This might help..." I thought. I signed up as a coach and started my first challenge group, The 21 Day Fix. I started Shakeology (which I'm obsessed with btw), and started my workouts... and amazing things happened (picture trumpets sounding and birds chirping and confetti falling from the sky...)

And then IT happened. Today it happened. 
30 pounds lost!!! Finally!!!

In just 10 days of the 21 Day Fix, I lost 3 lbs and hit my final goal. I HIT MY GOAL. Do you know how good that feels? Now...NOW I can make a new goal! 

As Autumn Calabrese says in her videos "If you are sick of starting over, STOP giving up!" 
And it's SO SO true. Starting over sucks. Starting over is discouraging. How awesome to think that you don't have to start over ever again if you just KEEP GOING!! I didn't let a plateau stop me from reaching my goals. I didn't throw in the towel and say "This just isn't working for me...". And I never once said "almost is close enough..". I kept going. I never once gave up and it's been 13 months. 

So my hope for you, is that you keep going. You never give up. Don't let a set back make you STOP. Keep keep keep going. THEN, you won't have to start over. OK?! Got it?!
A special thanks to the 21 Day Fix for giving me abs. Can't wait for the next 21 days!!

*Because "almost" just isn't enough.


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