Monday, June 9, 2014

*LeG dAy!*

So yesterday was leg day...and today I can say with confidence that I did something right...cuz I am feeling it today friends!

Normally I do the "typical" 3 sets of 12 for each exercise...bla bla bla. Lately it hasn't been working for me, and I say that because I don't feel the burn the next day like I love. So yesterday I switched things up. (Please note I am not a professional, these are just the things that work for me).

Here's what I did:
At a 7% incline (then switching to an 8% incline half way through) - run/walk intervals for 20 minutes. I typically do 2 miles. I'm at about a 14 min/mile with this technique. Not fast by any means, but I'm going up hill! After the 20 minutes I put the incline down and ran for 10 minutes. This is my new favorite thing because it feels like you are running downhill after you've been going UPhill for 2 miles. It's the easiest run EVER! Then I walk for about 5 minutes for my cool down.

Leg Press - I skipped leg extensions and curls today and moved right into the leg press, as this works quads and hamstrings anyway. I put the stack at 150 and I went to failure. This means I just did as many as I could until my legs felt like they were going to snap off. I think it was just over 30, I don't quite remember. Then, I keep the weights at 150 and do calf raises to failure. I did this a couple times. I could barely stand when I got up. Good times!
Here's the machine:
Here's what it works:
(say hi to my friend Creepy Muscle Guy)

Inner/Outer thighs
These machines:

I started at the highest weight I could handle, I think it was about 50lbs. I did 10 reps, then moved down 10lbs, did 10 more, moved down 10lbs, 10 more, etc etc until I was at the lowest weight. I did this on each machine. This was burntastic.

For dessert I did walking lunges with 10lb dumbbells, which, if you do the math, adds an extra 20 lbs. I did two sets of 20, and on the 2nd set I added a little bounce, which helps if you don't want to be able to walk when you're done. 

This was one of my best leg workouts I've had in a long time. My legs aren't happy today, but I sure am. Also my butt hurts like crazy. Gotta love that :)

So there you have it!
Today I can't get to the gym, so that means I'll be dancing like a fool around the house today.
No excuses! Be Active!

Please note you do NOT need a gym to get a good leg workout. In a future post I'll tell you great leg exercises to do at home or even outside!
Here's my quick park workout!

See you around like a donut

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