Monday, June 9, 2014

No Gym? No problemo!

Today the girls and I walked to "our" park. It's just about a mile and a half there and back, so a nice little walk.

I was pulling them in a wagon, so please excuse my pace per mile. We also stopped along the way to talk to an elderly gentleman who was in a chatty mood. He told me all about how much his late wife loved kids and how she would have loved mine. I also heard all about his first wife, who passed away at 50, and his daughter who passed away at 49. He was resting on his walker seat under the shade of a tree when we passed by and I could tell as we approached that he wanted to talk. I was glad to chat with him, as from his stories he seemed quite lonely. I then gave him props on being active and being out for a walk because he was clearly having a difficult time. I had to help him stand up so he could get on his way. Good for him, seriously. The man could barely walk but he was out anyway. I know my kids made his day, and that made mine. It's the little things people. Say hi to a stranger.

So we got to the park and first thing I did was find my targets. 
And Boom

Tricep dips and pull ups ya'll!
I did about 4 sets of each. 

Now see how easy that was? I just did some nice upper body.
Thanks to my 4 year old photographer for helping me out with the pics :) 

Get out there and enjoy the day!
Take a walk around the office, do some tricep dips on a bench. Do some walking lunges. 


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