Friday, June 6, 2014

Straight Flexin' On a Friday

Happy Flexin' Friday!

So today we talk about abs, and how to get them. Not saying I have the greatest abs, but we are getting there.
Here are my friends today, taken in my lovely four year old's mirror. Enjoy the stickers...

People ask me all the time what ab exercises to do to get that glorious "flat stomach"...but sadly, you can do crunches and sit ups til your face falls off and that won't do the trick. Nobody likes that answer. You can't just spot train your abs folks, they are made in other places, like in the kitchen or on the treadmill. Would you believe I never do ab exercises? I don't. I don't do crunches or any other fancy pants "get a six pack quick" trick from Pinterest. I admit that it certainly doesn't hurt, and of course it helps to sculpt them, but with out clean eating and cardio, they aren't just going to pop through after a ten minute ab blast. Engage your abs as much as possible, with anything you do. Core exercises are awesome, and you are working more than just your stomach. Push-ups and planks are your friends. Do them. Kickboxing is outstanding, when you keep your abs tight the entire time, you will get an amazing work out that you'll be feeling for days. No crunches needed.
Do some now!
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, hips facing forward, now forward punch with eat arm, crossing your body with each punch, making sure not to move your hips, twist your core as you punch, squeeze those abs. Do this for a minute, or two or three if you can. SQUEEZE!

sorry for the mess - such is life

And most importantly, don't forget to dance!

Enjoy your weekend darlings!
Be active!

-Emily K8

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