Monday, June 30, 2014

*Use what ya got!* - A Kid (video)

Working out without a gym is really simple, as I've demonstrated now several times.
Just use this simple motto:

Take advantage of anything and everything surrounding you. This will be my new series and I'll be posting often with pics and videos.

This weekend we spent a few days at my parent's RV. I didn't have much to use, but I had a 32lb 4 Year old. Perfect.
She started it by rolling off the couch and insisting I catch her. After doing this a while, it got pretty tough, but I turned it into a fun game, and she was in heaven. You know how kids get.."again again!!"
So she would roll into my arms, I started off my curling her (bicep curl) as many times as I could. After that I would catch her and then do 20 squats. That's 20 squats with 30+ extra lbs. You'll feel it. 
We did this at least 4 times. There ya go, legs are done!

Enjoy :)
Kid Squats Take 1

Side-note: There's nothing wrong with going to the gym either!
Later that day I went to the gym as well and did more legs
Here's what I did:
Leg Press
3 sets of 12 @150
Calf raises
3 sets of 20 @150
Leg Curl
3 sets of 12 @ 50 (I think)
Leg extensions
2 sets of 12 @80
1 set of 12 @70
Walking Lunges
30 with 20lb weights

Do it all!

Happy Monday Ya'll!

Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy. 


Friday, June 27, 2014

5K Foam Fest 2014! - checking off a goal!

So earlier I talked about Goals (HERE)
Setting them, and eventually crossing them off your list
Tomorrow I get to cross one of my goals off my list
I'm so excited!
I know a lot of people say this, but I'm so serious when I say that I would have NEVER EVER believed you if you said I was going to run a 5K. I know it's not a marathon or anything, but I used to HATE running. Like punch it in the face then kick it in the head hate...and then also talk about it behind it's back.
 I had built it up so much in my head that I was just plain terrified of it. Then one day, I gave it another try...
Wow...I ran more than like 30 seconds and I was sold. I worked my way into it, and it felt like in no time I was on my way to 5K land. Now I can comfortably run a 5K, and I'm SO excited to run one tomorrow "for real"!
So stay tuned for pics and wish me luck!
I hope this is my first of MANY!


Thursday, June 26, 2014

*Workout at HOME! No really, it's totally possible* (VIDEOS)

Working out takes can cost money...
These are common excuses.
So let's alleviate two of those problems...
Sorry, it's still going to take energy.
Going to a gym takes extra time (traveling too and from), and in most cases, costs money too.
Working out at home can save you time! Today I traveled all the way to my living room for my workout. Traffic was light, and it took about 10 seconds.
My living room is also free. It's cluttered with toys, but totally free.

OK OK I'm ready to workout, but what do I do?!
Did you know there are a ton of workout apps out there, and a lot of them are free?! I use an app called "Workout Trainer", it's free and easy (or you can pay for a more advanced one). It shows you a ton of workout options, and you pick one. It talks to you and tells you what to do, even shows you little videos so you know you are doing things right. Today I picked "Endurance Athlete" - it's 22 minutes and and is full body, with each exercise working the core. I sweat my face off and it looked like I had run a marathon when I was done.
That's real sweat people. Just wanted you to know I'm telling the truth.
So today you get videos! Yay!! 
Here's a few of the things this workout included

Seal Jacks

Side Lunges touching ground

And here's a combo video including the above two, plus Snowboard jumps and Mountain Climbers.
Try these if you want a good quick workout! 40 seconds of each exercise, 10 second rest in between. I mean it, 10 seconds is all you get. Keep that heart rate up!

So there you have it! Some quick and easy things to do. Ok, maybe not THAT easy, but totally do-able.

And just so you don't think I'm neglecting my kiddos when I'm working out...we had just spent the morning at a splash pad/park. #2 was napping peacefully and #1 was having "quiet time" - which I strongly encourage since she doesn't nap anymore. And I was only "busy" for about 30 minutes. Easy way to get things done even when you have kids. No excuses my friends.

Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy. 


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

**Ankle Weight Wednesday!!**

As promised....

Woot Woot!

Put those ankle weights on and work it! They really go great with any outfit. They are super in right now. I'm sure if you search fashion in Pinterest you will see them everywhere...
Yes, I'll even wear them outside the house, because they look THAT good. 
Scarf or ankle weights? I think the choice is obvious. 
Now you really want to go above and beyond? Do some jumping jacks! Do some High Knees! That'll get your heart rate going.
Or just wear them around your house and be the rockstar superstar that you are.'s Ankle Weight Wednesday after all! 

Here's what I've done so far today with my ankle weights on...
*I ran up and down the stairs 10x, that's 10 times up and 10 times down. You better believe you feel the burn with the extra few lbs.

*Then I did 50 minutes of DSKO... (my four year old did it with me! encourage your kids to be active! She loves it and had so much fun!)
*Then I ran up and down the stairs 12 more times, just for fun ya know.
It takes less than 2 minutes to run up and down the stairs 10 times...that's it! So no excuses! If you don't want to run, then walk! I'm making it really simple for you here people ;) If you don't have stairs, then run in place for 2 minutes ;)

Just wait to see how magical you feel at the end of the day when you take the weights off...ahhh
Feels like you can fly!


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Monday, June 23, 2014

Be your own science experiment - and Happy Monday

So this weekend was an adventure...lots of fun...and then today happened, and I did that dreaded thing I've told you not to do...I got on the scale...
4 lbs! I gained 4 lbs! 
I know I know, I'm the first to tell you that the scale means nothing. Your weight can fluctuate 1-5 lbs on any given day. It can be lots of things, and I wasn't exactly surprised.
So today I'm here to tell you how NOT to lose weight. 
Not eating is NOT your friend. Not drinking water is NOT your friend. It's as simple as that.
When you do these things, chances are, you're going to eventually eat, and when you do, your body is going to soak up that food up and hold on to it, in fear of you taking it away again. Same with water. Your body doesn't like this, and why should it? It's kind of rude, ya know?
So this may have happened to me this weekend. I happened to be under the weather on Saturday, and I will leave the "why" out of it...I couldn't/didn't eat or drink all day, I was in no shape too. I ate a little in the evening, and finally drank some water, but nowhere near the amount of calories I should consume in one day. Then Sunday came and I was back to normal, maybe even indulging a little too much
So what did my body do?! Yup, it really enjoyed that food I did end up eating, and it hasn't let it go since. I think water was the biggest thing...going almost an entire day without my usual 100 oz of water and my body freaked out a little. Now it's holding on to my water for dear life. I just have to earn it's trust back that I won't withhold again and we'll be just fine. I should be back to normal in no time.
But this is my lesson for the day. If you don't believe me, try for yourself. It's all about finding what works for you. Be your own experiment. I can pretty much guarantee though if you starve yourself, or don't drink your water, you are going to gain weight. Simple as that. Sure you might feel really skinny and empty for a day or so, but it's not worth it in the end.

These things happen though, it's called life. It's called normal. It's called get back on the train (or bus, or plane, or boat) and keep on keeping. Don't let every little step back stop you. Just learn from it and move the heck on. Be healthy, Be active, Be awesome, Take a walk, do a push-up, do some squats, and don't forget to drink that water!

I'd also like to take this time to recommend NOT drinking 50 bottles of wine in one night... I mean, unless you want to experiment and see what happens...but I already did that experiment and I don't advise it. Ok that's all, you've been warned...


**Goals** - Part One



These are great little things to have, especially if you like to make lists and then check them off!
Goals can be big or small.
You can have one or you can have fifty.
They can be for anything and everything.
Start small or go big.
Go big or go home.

If you haven't already, make a goal for yourself. It can be anything. Mine happen to be fitness related, cuz that's what I'm about right now. Sure I have other goals, but here I'm just focused on muscle goals. Some of mine are small and attainable... hopefully, others are bigger and I'll be honest, scare the shit out of me.

Here were/are mine:
Get back into shape - check, but always always always more to do. Remember it's a lifestyle change, not just a diet or a fad.
Start an Instagram fitness page - check. I hope you follow me ;)
Get followers - umm...nobody follows me...sigh
Run a 5K - signed up for my first one and running it next Saturday!
Get certified to teach group fitness - half check. Scary. No, I got this.
Get certified as a personal trainer. Scary Scary. Costs money. I'm scared. So much to learn. Can I even do it?
Be in a fitness competition. woah...scariest thing of all. Biggest goal by far. Lots of training involved. Hiding under my bed.

It's true. I'll be the first to admit that failure scares me...but I think I'd regret not trying off to the races we go!

So set a goal! Even a small one...then once you reach that goal, make a new one. Woot woot!


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Happy Ankle Weight Thursday!!

I know, I know, Ankle Weight Wednesday sounds so much better, but it's Thursday, not Wednesday, so this will have to do. 
Next week we can have Ankle Weight Wednesday.

So that's really it, I put on ankle weights today and I'm going to wear them all day. I've vacuumed, been up the stairs 88,000 times, re-arranged furniture, and thanks to these little guys, I have to work just a little bit harder. 
So if you have some, put them on! I got these bad boys at a garage sale for a whole dollar and they've really come in handy, or should I say ankley. Hardy har har. 
They should only be between 1-3 lbs a piece (any heavier and you're just being ridiculous), but you'll find they make a big difference. 



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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Strength Training - LIFT THOSE WEIGHTS!

Today's topic is short and sweet
...and heavy
Weight training
Building those muscles has so many amazing benefits, and before you stop reading right there, I promise you, you will not turn out like this...
Unless of course you want too...eek, in which case, go for it I guess, but don't ask me for advice!

Muscles are your friends, they love you, and you should love them back. And they love to burn calories, it's like their part time job, just burnin' those calories, even when you are doing nothing. Burn burn burn.
The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. It's that simple. And burning calories is good, remember?

It also takes up much less space, even though it weighs more.

So if the scale hasn't moved in a few weeks, but you are working out like crazy, try some clothes on, that should be all the proof you need right there. You are turning fat into muscle. It's not about the number on the scale. 

More reasons you should lift:

More muscle = higher metabolism
So guess what, you don't have to eat like a bird all day long. It will be much easier for your body to "take care of" those extra calories when you accidentally eat that extra slice of pizza...just sayin...

There are different techniques with lifting, so you don't need to worry about becoming huge and scary. It's all about toning, and then some. You won't become that sweaty person grunting in the corner, unless of course that's your goal, then by all means, grunt away. (Just not at Planet Fitness cuz they'll ring the alarm on that nonsense).

So give it a try! If you want some tips, ask away, I'm here to help. I'll continue to post my workouts as well. You do what works for you.

Sidenote: lifting your actual kids is a great way to build those muscles too! Up and over that head, 3 sets of 12, GO!

Check out more benefits HERE

I dare ya


Monday, June 16, 2014

*Mackinac Motivation - Working out on vacation!*

So I haven't posted since Wednesday and I know everyone missed me SO much, but no worries! I'm back! Had our first mini vaca of the year up at Mackinac Island, and it was magical! 
Even more magical seeing things through my daughter's eyes. Can you imagine a 2 year old obsessed with butterflies getting to go in a butterfly house?! Yup, pretty magical.

Vacations can be a great break from reality, and everyday life, but it doesn't HAVE to be ;) I think you know where I'm going with this...
I made sure to pack all my workout clothes and take advantage of any opportunity I had to get my "active minutes" in. This doesn't mean I'm neglecting my family and not's just the opposite really. Working out makes me happy, so why would I avoid it just because I'm on vacation?!

There were parks everywhere, and if you know me, you know I see a park as a great place to become the next American Ninja Warrior
These things were NO joke!

I seriously tried to get across the wheels of death about 10 times. It was fun, and the next day I was feeling it! Success! And No, I never made it across. That damn middle one got me every time. Next time though, I'm coming for them...

So it's not like a spent an hour at a gym people, I simply take advantage of things like this to get my burn on! 

One morning while the kids were relaxing/on a walk with dad, I took advantage of the scenery and went for a run. 
I even had a professional photographer follow me around. I'm that famous. so...
(her name is My Sister)
Can't be mad at that view!

Later in the day, when it warmed up to 60 degrees, we all went swimming.
Pools can be a great place to workout! I haven't treaded water for a long period of time in like 20 years, seriously, and man that was tough! I think I might have made it 10 minutes. But that's 10 more minutes of something!

Then we did some kicking
Seriously try to do this for like 5 straight minutes, kicking as hard as you can, keeping your legs under the water. Go jump in a pool and try it. Do it. Works your core too.
Next up was abs, even in the water you can get a good ab workout

After a good hour in the pool I could really feel it! Take advantage of the resistance the water gives you to make those muscles grow! Do it!

"Oh I'm on vacation so I can eat a bag full of crap and it'll be ok!!"
Um no. I mean go ahead if you want, just don't be mad when you get home and have gained 7lbs from a few days of bad eating.
Yes I ate a few things I wouldn't normally eat, but not for every single meal. You just have to make good choices, even if you are eating out for almost every meal. At lunch we had Subway, and I don't need to be a Subway commercial here to tell you it's pretty easy to eat healthy there...
Most dinners we had pizza, yes pizza, but I had a piece, not 12 pieces. 
One night I had a grilled chicken breast and steamed veggies.
Yes that's butter on those delicious veggies, but I can still assure you it was better than a plate of fries. *sidenote: I ate some of my daughters fries (not pictured)

Yum man, yum

Now it's Monday and we are back home and it's back to everyday life.
Probably won't make it to the gym, so will do this little ditty from the wonderful land of Pinterest. I made some edits though. Feel free to do either one ;)




Wednesday, June 11, 2014

**A Pinterest Way of Life?**

Pinterest wasn't around when I was planning my wedding, which is probably a great thing, because I probably would have had a nervous breakdown. I used an old fashion binder, with pictures cut out from magazines for my flowers, dresses, cake, etc. Yes, a physical book that I carried around. How old school and awful, yet I somehow managed to survive, AND have an amazing wedding. Don't worry, I've since pinned a lot of my wedding items so new brides can take all my ideas and have the best wedding ever ;) Having a beach wedding? You can check out my "this is how I roll" Pinterest board to see my cake, pirate chest card holder, and other beach items. I've had 48 repins of my wedding cake, that I basically designed, so I know I've pretty much succeeded in life.
So pretty...

Pinterest is great for so many food. Almost all my recipes come from there, and I've made some pretty amazing things. In that aspect it's a complete life saver. A quick browse through my FOOD board and I've planned dinner for the week. So helpful for a busy mom. A $5 pizza works too.
In all seriousness:

Fitness. How many of you have a workout board of some sort filled with awesome workouts? How many of you have actually done them? I'm not trying to bust your balls or anything, but you should really take advantage of all the 99 million workout pins and DO THEM! When I started my fitness journey, that was one of the first things I did. I pinned a bunch of workouts, and then guess what? I actually did them! Not all at once or anything, but a few this day, a few that day. They are great, especially for the at home workouts. DO THEM! Do one right now! Need more workouts? Head over to my Make Me Sweat Board for some good ones! Make sure you put on a really cute workout outfit on first though...

Fashion. Thank goodness for Pinterest there or else I'd probably be walking around naked, with no clue on what to wear to the store, or on a casual Saturday, or to the beach, or on a run, or to a wedding, or at a picnic, or in the forest, or just being lazy. Clueless. I will never look like my "Lookin' Good" Pinterest board, but I sure as hell will keep pinning those pins and imagining myself out on the town with my perfectly matching ensemble of jewelry and clothes and bag and shoes, oh, and scarf. Please don't forget the scarf. I will look perfect and everyone will be amazed. In for realness, there's a lot of cute crap out there, and it does give me some inspiration to get out of my workout clothes and attempt to be "cute". But will I lose sleep because today I don't have a matching bag or necklace to go with my $8 Old Navy shorts...nah. One day I'll add a fashion page so I can attempt to be all Pinteresty. One Day.

Crafts. These are great and wonderful. I've done a few. I'll do like one a year and be good. I'm not crafty. This is ok. 
I made this apple garland:

all by myself, I didn't even find it on Pinterest, I had to make it up myself. So I quickly pinned it so Pinterest wouldn't be "apple garland-less". Thank goodness for me saving the day. That's like twice now I've saved the day with my pins...
I made this:
and it actually looks just like that! (I'm not even being sarcastic, it truly looks just like that). I was so proud of myself. It's my summer time wreath. It was really easy. It was the first Pinterest thing I made so it will always have a special place in my heart. 
Head over to my CRAFTASTIC Board for more great things to never make.

Then there's all the millions of things that make you feel like a bad mom. It's OK. Get over it. I'll never do the "how to entertain a toddler for hours" pin. I probably won't do anything in my Good Idea Board, but I'll keep pinning all those good ideas...and I'll think everytime, "oh, that's I great idea, I'm going to head over to the dollar store today so I can do that". Maybe next year.
Your love for your kids isn't determined by how many Pinterest pins you do for them. So pin away, but don't stress. Just some good ol' fashion "playing" with your kids is all you really need. Build something out of Lego's. Take a walk. Look at bugs. Give them a hug. Talk to them.

Cleaning. Ah, cleaning. What mom doesn't LOVE to clean and make all her own "chemical free" cleaners to sparkle up every centimeter of her home. "How to How to How to...." You will find every single "how to" you will ever need to know in your entire life. It'll be OK if you don't do a single one. I promise.
Here's all mine in my CLEAN IT board. I've made one...the vinegar, dawn soap in a dish wand one for my shower. It's actually great and cleans our glass door beautifully (my husband didn't even notice). The magical potion is up there now, in our shower. I've used it twice. It will probably take me 4 years to use it all up. Good for me. And isn't it so great to know that all you need IN LIFE is Dawn soap and white vinegar?! You can even clean your kids with it I'm sure (just kidding here people). 

Ok that's enough for today, I'm already getting stressed out because I have so many things to pin today that'll I'l never do. Gotta get pinnin'.

Peace and chicken

Make sure you Pin this post.