Monday, June 23, 2014

**Goals** - Part One



These are great little things to have, especially if you like to make lists and then check them off!
Goals can be big or small.
You can have one or you can have fifty.
They can be for anything and everything.
Start small or go big.
Go big or go home.

If you haven't already, make a goal for yourself. It can be anything. Mine happen to be fitness related, cuz that's what I'm about right now. Sure I have other goals, but here I'm just focused on muscle goals. Some of mine are small and attainable... hopefully, others are bigger and I'll be honest, scare the shit out of me.

Here were/are mine:
Get back into shape - check, but always always always more to do. Remember it's a lifestyle change, not just a diet or a fad.
Start an Instagram fitness page - check. I hope you follow me ;)
Get followers - umm...nobody follows me...sigh
Run a 5K - signed up for my first one and running it next Saturday!
Get certified to teach group fitness - half check. Scary. No, I got this.
Get certified as a personal trainer. Scary Scary. Costs money. I'm scared. So much to learn. Can I even do it?
Be in a fitness competition. woah...scariest thing of all. Biggest goal by far. Lots of training involved. Hiding under my bed.

It's true. I'll be the first to admit that failure scares me...but I think I'd regret not trying off to the races we go!

So set a goal! Even a small one...then once you reach that goal, make a new one. Woot woot!


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