Thursday, June 19, 2014

Happy Ankle Weight Thursday!!

I know, I know, Ankle Weight Wednesday sounds so much better, but it's Thursday, not Wednesday, so this will have to do. 
Next week we can have Ankle Weight Wednesday.

So that's really it, I put on ankle weights today and I'm going to wear them all day. I've vacuumed, been up the stairs 88,000 times, re-arranged furniture, and thanks to these little guys, I have to work just a little bit harder. 
So if you have some, put them on! I got these bad boys at a garage sale for a whole dollar and they've really come in handy, or should I say ankley. Hardy har har. 
They should only be between 1-3 lbs a piece (any heavier and you're just being ridiculous), but you'll find they make a big difference. 



Share me! I'm really exciting!

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