Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday Night Afterthought - My muffin tin

It's Friday night friends, hopefully you are engaging in something exciting and thrilling! I'm about to open me some wine, cuz lately, wine and I are getting really close. And guess what....On Friday nights, you don't have to count calories in wine! It's like a law or something ;)

So I say goodnight and I leave you with this...

Of course it's awesome to have encouragement and people who care, but guess what...there will be days where you work your @ss off, (on the job, in the gym, at life!) and nobody will say anything, nobody will notice, nobody will care...these are the times you get everything you need from the inside. It's in there, find it and use it. Don't ever give up.

Just the other day, I was cleaning a muffin tin...have you ever cleaned a muffin tin? It is quite unpleasant. A real "chore" if I do say so myself. You gotta get into all those little tins and then you have to turn it the other way so the water gets it at all angles, and then you spray yourself because the water hits it wrong and the counter gets soaked, oh man, I could go on and on. So I spent a good 5 minutes of my LIFE cleaning it, and it looked damn good when I was done, and you know, nobody will ever care or know. Nobody. (which is basically like every single thing a mom does on a regular basis right ladies?)
After you cleaned the kitchen 88 times in one day, vacuumed the floors 44 times in a week, done 34 loads of laundry in an hour...I'm going to bet that nobody is standing there with flowers and candy saying "OMG you are SO amazing!" So be sure you tell yourself.
"Dear Emily, that muffin tin looks fantastic! I can't wait for you to bake me something delicious in it just so you can clean it again!"
"oh! Thanks Emily, I'm glad you noticed! You are too sweet! I'll bake something neat real soon, but for now, I'm going to go drink some wine. Cheers sweetheart"

 OH, and remember... I always care ;)

-Emily K8

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