Tuesday, June 10, 2014

*Transformation Tuesday* & Progress Pics

Can I start by saying...my upper body is SO sore today from my little playground workout yesterday! (Read about it HERE in case you missed it). Just goes to show you can get an awesome work out from "playing" around. My arms hurt, my back hurts, my chest hurts! After our first park workout, we walked almost another mile after dinner to another park and I did some more pull ups. I also thought it would be fun to swing from the monkey bars...Um Yikes, even going to the gym all the time, those monkey bars are no joke! It's the sorest my upper body has been in months, and I never stepped foot in a gym. And yes, there were other people at the park, and no, I didn't let that stop me from doing my thing. If anything, maybe you can inspire someone else to get up off the bench and do something. #noexcuses

Ok, so here we are on a Tuesday, and that means it's Transformation Tuesday! Remember, each day is "some"thing ;)

Today you'll find people posting pics of all sorts of transformations...new body, new hair, new whatever. In some way, they've been transformed, and they are proud of it, as they should be.

Here's where I'll talk about taking progress pics. Have you ever gone on a trip, a magical tropical vacation, and not taken any pictures? Probably not. You probably took a lot. Guess what, your life is a journey, a magical tropical adventure*! If you've started a weight loss, or "getting fit" journey, treat it as just that, a journey! Take pictures along the way, so you don't forget where you've been. Everyone has to start somewhere, don't be ashamed of where you are starting. See it as a new beginning on a glorious trip. 
There will be days, or months, where you start to feel really discouraged, trust me, I've been there. There were months during my journey were I felt NOTHING was happening. I didn't look different, I didn't feel different. I was working my butt off, and I felt it was for nothing. That's when I looked back. I busted out the pics I took on day one of my journey, and then I looked at myself. Ahh...there it was...I was changing, I was changing a lot. I don't like my day one pics, and I don't want to ever feel that way again. I had gotten so discouraged that I didn't realize the changes that were happening. They were slow going, but they were happening. I think taking progress pics is a great way to keep yourself motivated during your journey. And guess what?! You don't have to show them to ANYone! You can if you want, but they are for YOU and you alone. Remember you are doing this journey for yourself, you should be anyway. You are the one that matters. 
So get out that camera phone and stand in front of that mirror and take that awesome selfie. Look as grubtastic as you want, who cares. If you stay honest with yourself, and work hard, the next set of pictures you'll take might just shock you. Remember, you see yourself every single day, it's easy to not notice the changes happening right in front of you. Pictures work wonders.

I've already posted about my fabulous sister and her journey. I made her take pics, and they are just amazing to look at. You can see them HERE . She has now lost 90 pounds. NINE - O. She rocks, and you can too. (here's a pic I borrowed from her facebook page that she took last week)

My dad has also been on a crazy weight loss journey since September. I can't even keep track of how much he's lost because it's like a million pounds. I think he's lost like 125 lbs, if not more. 
Here he was at his "happy 100lb weight loss" party we threw for him, and he's even way skinnier than this now. 

And I guess I'll do some too. Here are my before and "during" pics. I started my journey in September, and the other pictures I took today. I'm almost where I want to be, and looking back just makes me work that much harder.

That's what a 28 pound difference looks like. Of course it looks different on different people. The most important change, that you might not be able to tell, is how much bla fat is now POW muscle. Remember for me, it's not about being skinny, it's about being fit, and healthy, and toned, and POW!
Find your POW.

Be proud of yourself


*Your life doesn't have to be a tropical adventure, it can be any kind of adventure that YOU like. It can be a European adventure, an Undersea adventure, an Outer Space adventure, a Rain Forest adventure... I just call mine a tropical adventure because that's what makes me happy. What will you call YOUR adventure?!

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You are all awesome

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