Friday, June 27, 2014

5K Foam Fest 2014! - checking off a goal!

So earlier I talked about Goals (HERE)
Setting them, and eventually crossing them off your list
Tomorrow I get to cross one of my goals off my list
I'm so excited!
I know a lot of people say this, but I'm so serious when I say that I would have NEVER EVER believed you if you said I was going to run a 5K. I know it's not a marathon or anything, but I used to HATE running. Like punch it in the face then kick it in the head hate...and then also talk about it behind it's back.
 I had built it up so much in my head that I was just plain terrified of it. Then one day, I gave it another try...
Wow...I ran more than like 30 seconds and I was sold. I worked my way into it, and it felt like in no time I was on my way to 5K land. Now I can comfortably run a 5K, and I'm SO excited to run one tomorrow "for real"!
So stay tuned for pics and wish me luck!
I hope this is my first of MANY!


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