Monday, June 16, 2014

*Mackinac Motivation - Working out on vacation!*

So I haven't posted since Wednesday and I know everyone missed me SO much, but no worries! I'm back! Had our first mini vaca of the year up at Mackinac Island, and it was magical! 
Even more magical seeing things through my daughter's eyes. Can you imagine a 2 year old obsessed with butterflies getting to go in a butterfly house?! Yup, pretty magical.

Vacations can be a great break from reality, and everyday life, but it doesn't HAVE to be ;) I think you know where I'm going with this...
I made sure to pack all my workout clothes and take advantage of any opportunity I had to get my "active minutes" in. This doesn't mean I'm neglecting my family and not's just the opposite really. Working out makes me happy, so why would I avoid it just because I'm on vacation?!

There were parks everywhere, and if you know me, you know I see a park as a great place to become the next American Ninja Warrior
These things were NO joke!

I seriously tried to get across the wheels of death about 10 times. It was fun, and the next day I was feeling it! Success! And No, I never made it across. That damn middle one got me every time. Next time though, I'm coming for them...

So it's not like a spent an hour at a gym people, I simply take advantage of things like this to get my burn on! 

One morning while the kids were relaxing/on a walk with dad, I took advantage of the scenery and went for a run. 
I even had a professional photographer follow me around. I'm that famous. so...
(her name is My Sister)
Can't be mad at that view!

Later in the day, when it warmed up to 60 degrees, we all went swimming.
Pools can be a great place to workout! I haven't treaded water for a long period of time in like 20 years, seriously, and man that was tough! I think I might have made it 10 minutes. But that's 10 more minutes of something!

Then we did some kicking
Seriously try to do this for like 5 straight minutes, kicking as hard as you can, keeping your legs under the water. Go jump in a pool and try it. Do it. Works your core too.
Next up was abs, even in the water you can get a good ab workout

After a good hour in the pool I could really feel it! Take advantage of the resistance the water gives you to make those muscles grow! Do it!

"Oh I'm on vacation so I can eat a bag full of crap and it'll be ok!!"
Um no. I mean go ahead if you want, just don't be mad when you get home and have gained 7lbs from a few days of bad eating.
Yes I ate a few things I wouldn't normally eat, but not for every single meal. You just have to make good choices, even if you are eating out for almost every meal. At lunch we had Subway, and I don't need to be a Subway commercial here to tell you it's pretty easy to eat healthy there...
Most dinners we had pizza, yes pizza, but I had a piece, not 12 pieces. 
One night I had a grilled chicken breast and steamed veggies.
Yes that's butter on those delicious veggies, but I can still assure you it was better than a plate of fries. *sidenote: I ate some of my daughters fries (not pictured)

Yum man, yum

Now it's Monday and we are back home and it's back to everyday life.
Probably won't make it to the gym, so will do this little ditty from the wonderful land of Pinterest. I made some edits though. Feel free to do either one ;)




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