Wednesday, June 11, 2014

**A Pinterest Way of Life?**

Pinterest wasn't around when I was planning my wedding, which is probably a great thing, because I probably would have had a nervous breakdown. I used an old fashion binder, with pictures cut out from magazines for my flowers, dresses, cake, etc. Yes, a physical book that I carried around. How old school and awful, yet I somehow managed to survive, AND have an amazing wedding. Don't worry, I've since pinned a lot of my wedding items so new brides can take all my ideas and have the best wedding ever ;) Having a beach wedding? You can check out my "this is how I roll" Pinterest board to see my cake, pirate chest card holder, and other beach items. I've had 48 repins of my wedding cake, that I basically designed, so I know I've pretty much succeeded in life.
So pretty...

Pinterest is great for so many food. Almost all my recipes come from there, and I've made some pretty amazing things. In that aspect it's a complete life saver. A quick browse through my FOOD board and I've planned dinner for the week. So helpful for a busy mom. A $5 pizza works too.
In all seriousness:

Fitness. How many of you have a workout board of some sort filled with awesome workouts? How many of you have actually done them? I'm not trying to bust your balls or anything, but you should really take advantage of all the 99 million workout pins and DO THEM! When I started my fitness journey, that was one of the first things I did. I pinned a bunch of workouts, and then guess what? I actually did them! Not all at once or anything, but a few this day, a few that day. They are great, especially for the at home workouts. DO THEM! Do one right now! Need more workouts? Head over to my Make Me Sweat Board for some good ones! Make sure you put on a really cute workout outfit on first though...

Fashion. Thank goodness for Pinterest there or else I'd probably be walking around naked, with no clue on what to wear to the store, or on a casual Saturday, or to the beach, or on a run, or to a wedding, or at a picnic, or in the forest, or just being lazy. Clueless. I will never look like my "Lookin' Good" Pinterest board, but I sure as hell will keep pinning those pins and imagining myself out on the town with my perfectly matching ensemble of jewelry and clothes and bag and shoes, oh, and scarf. Please don't forget the scarf. I will look perfect and everyone will be amazed. In for realness, there's a lot of cute crap out there, and it does give me some inspiration to get out of my workout clothes and attempt to be "cute". But will I lose sleep because today I don't have a matching bag or necklace to go with my $8 Old Navy shorts...nah. One day I'll add a fashion page so I can attempt to be all Pinteresty. One Day.

Crafts. These are great and wonderful. I've done a few. I'll do like one a year and be good. I'm not crafty. This is ok. 
I made this apple garland:

all by myself, I didn't even find it on Pinterest, I had to make it up myself. So I quickly pinned it so Pinterest wouldn't be "apple garland-less". Thank goodness for me saving the day. That's like twice now I've saved the day with my pins...
I made this:
and it actually looks just like that! (I'm not even being sarcastic, it truly looks just like that). I was so proud of myself. It's my summer time wreath. It was really easy. It was the first Pinterest thing I made so it will always have a special place in my heart. 
Head over to my CRAFTASTIC Board for more great things to never make.

Then there's all the millions of things that make you feel like a bad mom. It's OK. Get over it. I'll never do the "how to entertain a toddler for hours" pin. I probably won't do anything in my Good Idea Board, but I'll keep pinning all those good ideas...and I'll think everytime, "oh, that's I great idea, I'm going to head over to the dollar store today so I can do that". Maybe next year.
Your love for your kids isn't determined by how many Pinterest pins you do for them. So pin away, but don't stress. Just some good ol' fashion "playing" with your kids is all you really need. Build something out of Lego's. Take a walk. Look at bugs. Give them a hug. Talk to them.

Cleaning. Ah, cleaning. What mom doesn't LOVE to clean and make all her own "chemical free" cleaners to sparkle up every centimeter of her home. "How to How to How to...." You will find every single "how to" you will ever need to know in your entire life. It'll be OK if you don't do a single one. I promise.
Here's all mine in my CLEAN IT board. I've made one...the vinegar, dawn soap in a dish wand one for my shower. It's actually great and cleans our glass door beautifully (my husband didn't even notice). The magical potion is up there now, in our shower. I've used it twice. It will probably take me 4 years to use it all up. Good for me. And isn't it so great to know that all you need IN LIFE is Dawn soap and white vinegar?! You can even clean your kids with it I'm sure (just kidding here people). 

Ok that's enough for today, I'm already getting stressed out because I have so many things to pin today that'll I'l never do. Gotta get pinnin'.

Peace and chicken

Make sure you Pin this post.

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