Saturday, July 12, 2014

*Leg Day @ Home*

It's Leg Day!

Here's what I did

*Forward Lunges - I used my 10lb dumbbells (for a grand total of 20lbs). Do 3 sets of 40 (that's 20 on each leg). See how nice I am doing all this math for you.
*Dead Lifts - I used my same 10 lbs weights, since that's all I have. If I had a 45lb barbell at home, I'd surely use that. Make sure you use the correct  form for these. These are really good for the back of your legs.
*Plie Squats - Your toes are pointed out as if you are doing a Plie. I did a few extra holding #2 (so that's 22 extra lbs)
*Jump Squats - a great way to finish off the burn. I did 6 sets of 30.

Not mentioned is calf raises. I do these bad boys as much as possible. Find a step and go to town. It helps if you add weights. Hold your kid or dog or something. I can do over 100 before I get tired (I know I know I'm soo bad ass) so adding extra weight is a must. The other option is doing one calf at a time. This is especially nice when you have two different size calf muscles like me. My left one is bigger. I've tried talking to the right one to beef it up, but it never listens. Sigh.

Then to really top it off...DANCE! I put on music and danced around for 20+ minutes. This is awesome to do right after as you'll really feel the burn. Good times. Ellen D. would be proud.

If you are worried about getting to beefy and growing massive leg muscles. Read HERE. You aren't going to turn into a body builder after a few squats. I promise.

Now get up and MOVE!

*Update: it's been 2 days and my legs still hurt like hell. I guess I did something right. OUCH!

Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy. 

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