Sunday, July 13, 2014

What's Cookin'? - Enchilada Casserole

I'm a sucker for a Mexican Casserole, I make them weekly, and I have several different variations. Here's an easy one made the low fat way. It's nice because you can really play around with it, add things, take things out, even make it vegetarian if you want. You'll see this all over Pinterest, here's how I make it.

Enchilada Casserole
Skinny style
(Please feel free to make an even skinnier version if you so desire!)

Sorry these pictures were not taken by a professional food photographer in a studio...just with my my kitchen. Hope you can make do.
Here's what you need!
*Large Tortilla's. I used 3 1/2. Here's where you can get skinny by using lowfat tortillas. I didn't have any on hand so full fat it was ;)
*Ground Turkey - I always replace ground beef with ground turkey. If you want to go veggie, just use refried beans instead.
*Taco Seasoning - one packet
*Cheese - I used about 1.5 cups. You can go skinny here by using low fat cheese. Sometimes I prefer "real" cheese when cooking as the lowfat cheese doesn't melt as well. But you can use either.
*Beans - I used chili beans in sauce. You could also use black beans.
*Cream of chicken soup - one can. I use a lowfat version.
*"Rotel" - I use off brand. Same thing.
*Sour cream -I used low fat.
*Anything else you want to add! Some people like cooking onions in with the meat. Not me man. I say no to onions. I'm an onion-free kind of lady. I'm boring like that.

Before we get started...
Make sure you have some music playing. It really helps the food cook. Or more importantly, you can dance around while getting your food prep on. Move. Move. Move. Cooking is also way more exciting when you dance.
Next - drink water. I drink a whole bottle of water as I'm prepping the goods. This is good for so many reasons. Just do it. Nice. Cold. Water.
Ok, now you are ready to begin.

So brown your ground turkey, drain, add your seasoning, beans, and Rotel!

While that's simmering for a hot second, mix your can of soup with about 1/2 a cup of sour cream. 
(I added one extra spoon glop as I felt in my heart it was the right thing to do)

Now rip up those tortilla's and add a layer to the bottom of a 9x13 casserole dish. Use as much as you need. We aren't picky here and we certainly don't judge.

Time to start the layering party!
Gently and ever so carefully, glob some of that sour cream mix on top of the tortilla's. If you find an easy way to do this, please let me know. It's not easy to smooth it all out without messing up the nice little pieces here...Good Luck. Do about half the mixture, or however much makes you feel good inside.

Next add half the meat mixture

Now add a little layer of cheese. Not pictured. Use your imagination.

Now another layer of tortilla's, followed by the sour cream mix and then the meat. Then top if off with cheese. Go nuts if you must. 

Pop that sweet thing in the oven.
350 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Let it sit for a few hot minutes, you know, so you don't burn your face off.
Then dig in and enjoy!
It's good man. I promise.
So gooey and delicious and magical!
Ok. Calorie time.
This makes a 9x13 casserole. Some say this is 12 servings. Some say 8 servings. I went happy medium at 10 servings. I don't know the laws or rules on who decides a serving size so since this is my blog, I'm deciding today. 10 servings.

1 serving is 307 calories and 12.7 grams of fat. Not bad my friends! And by using a few other low fat ingredients, you can do even better than this. Then when you miscalculate what one "serving" size actually looks like, you won't feel as guilty. Happens to the best of us.

Cheers and Happy Sunday!

Your pal

Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy. 

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