Thursday, August 21, 2014

5K Prep and an Ice Bucket

5K Prep

So now that I love running, I'm always trying to find ways to change it up. However, it's running, there's not a lot you can do's like you are either running or you're not ;)
But you can still do interval training, and there's lots of different kinds. If you read me before you know I love to run/walk up hill, so that's a little of what I did today.

Here's how it went down on the treadmill:
Warm up 2 minutes
Run for 20 minutes - at your own pace, however far that takes you
after the 20 minutes, walk uphill at an 8% incline for 5 minutes. Keep the pace up here, you want to keep your heart rate up, and feel the burn in your legs. That sweet sweet burn ;)
After 5 minutes, put the incline back down to 0% and run the rest of your 5K. For me this was just about a mile. I always find it's so much easier to run after I've been going uphill. It really is, try it. 

So here's my time after my run/walk
Then cool down for 5 minutes. Always cool down.

See now! Wasn't that fun!

And of course I did the ALS Ice bucket challenge
Here's the clip I put together for my kids since this is the only part they cared about

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Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy.


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