Monday, August 25, 2014

Weekend Shenanigans

Weekend Burn

So here's what I did this weekend to get the burn on...the good kind of muscle burn calorie burn make ya sweat burn...not any other kind of scary burn...good burn only...

I was feeling a little non-active, so I did some push-ups in the living room - 1 set of 34, 1 set of 30, 1 set of like 24 (eek I was tired), and another set of 30ish. 
Then I did some flexing and took some pics because on Friday's...we FLEX
I decided Friday evening after the kiddos were in bed that I wanted to go for a run. I always start off with a goal..."I'm going to run a few miles"...then, if all goes well, I always try to beat my goal.
I also had limited time (don't we all) as I don't want to run at dark and be abducted by aliens or anything.
I also had to get home for a very important clothing drop at favorite workin' out apparel by Flex Til You're Famous. You've see me sporting several of their shirts. They are bad ass. So this sums up my Friday night. After consuming pizza, eek, the run was much needed.
And I scored a new tank that I can't wait to wear! Pretty great considering they sold out in under 10 minutes...

Saturday brought beautiful weather and a walk to "our" park... a 1.26 mile round-trip walk to be exact. I pull the kids in the wagon and haul ass guessed's a great little workout ;-) I also take the long way home...always take the long way...ya know, unless it's tornado-ing or something.
Then I did the monkey bars about 4 times...across and back...until my hands said "STOP!"
It really hurts the hands...not sure how kids do it?! I guess I'll need to start wearing work-out gloves to the park...that'd be cool for sure.
Note: these go uphill

Then we moved on to the rings...did some core/oblique work

oh strong...strongest shadow of all time
 Saturday night...another run!
a little further than before...cuz I only have myself to beat

Sunday night I wanted to run again...but I also needed to help the husband hang drywall in the still went for a run, just a shorter run. I ran 1.28 miles in 12:54 at a 10:05 pace, then...when I got back to my street, I did walking lunges to complete my mission...I "lunged" 3 full houses....and then I almost died... seemed it would be easy at first...but it was NOT. Then in between some drywall sheets I did some squats...I think all the butts on the VMA's inspired me. Holy heck did you see the butts?! (yes I actually watched the VMA's...don't judge).
The point here is...sometimes you seriously only have 10 use them! Don't let the "only" be your excuse, let it be your reason! "ooh, I have 10 minutes to DO something right quick!" ;) #doit

Now it's Monday morning, and instead of feeling like I ate crap all weekend and did nothing, I feel slightly sore...and pretty darn good. To top if off, I helped hang drywall, vacuumed 18 times, and even bought a new dining room rug. Woo HOO!

So happy hot and humid Monday ya'll! 
Hope you found an ounce of motivation in my shenanigans...and if not...that's ok too. I thank you anyway for taking time out of your life to hang with me  ;-)

One more week until it's back to school time! EEk! :-(

Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy.


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