Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Have an accountability system!

Do you have an accountability system?

Well...Do you?

Thanks to Pinterest I found an awesome article titled: 15 Habits of People Who Have Effectively Lost Over 20-30 Pounds and Kept it Off!

This is a GREAT article, I strongly urge you to read it now. You can find it HERE

As someone who has lost (give or take) 28 pounds, I found the article spot on. And considering my year anniversary of when I started is NEXT WEEK, I kind of consider myself one of those "people"... you can take my advice or you can leave it in a dumpster...but I think I'm doing something right.

I'm not going to go over the whole article here, as I've already provided the link and think you are fully capable of reading it yourself. But I AM going to go over the #4 Habit: Have an Accountability System!

I think this is one of the MOST important things with any weight loss/get in shape journey. Losing weight, getting fit, etc is NOT easy. It's super easy to fall, regress, gain weight back, quit, become discouraged and just give up. I know as I've done it many times. This is the first time in my life I've made the change, and kept the change. Thanks to having the habits in the article, and thanks to making it a lifestyle, NOT a diet. 

So my accountability system is YOU... This Blog, my Instagram, facebook, oh, and my bff fitbit. I take pictures ALL the time, and then I post said pictures. I'm sorry if you are sick of seeing them, but this is what works for me. It's so amazing to see your progress in front of you, because at times you really don't feel great. Looking back at pictures, or doing side-by-sides...all of a sudden it's right there, you see it again, and it keeps you going. 
I talk about what I do, I show you what I do, I take pictures and videos of what I do, and I do it TO HOLD MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE! Knowing that people see what I do, and knowing that I, in some small way, have motivated others, keeps me GOING! If there's a day I feel crappy and like I'm taking a step backwards, I think of you guys and what you would think... you honestly keep me honest, whether you realize it or not. This has become my passion, writing about my fitness journey, and what would I do if I suddenly stopped working out and just started eating like shit? I wouldn't have anything to write about, I wouldn't have anything to take videos of, and everything would just go away. Well, I'm not about to let that happen, sorry, you are stuck with me. You make it real for me, (kind of like the James Morrison song...)
seriously though...
                                                              "You Make It Real"

There's so much craziness surrounding me,
There's so much going on it gets hard to breathe
When all my faith has gone, you bring it back to me,
You make it real for me

When I'm not sure of my priorities,
When I've lost sight of where I'm meant to be
And like holy water washing over me,
You make it real for me

Ok, ok. I'm done gushing. 
The point is, get an accountability system if you don't already have one. It can be as simple as posting updates on facebook, letting people know what you are up too, taking pictures, using friends, using family.... find what works for YOU. And it really needs to WORK in order to WORK! Join a weight-loss group that makes you post updates, start walking around naked so people can see your progess... do something!
If people are in it with you, you'll never feel alone, and they'll be there for you to kick you in the badonk when you slip, skid, or totally crash head-on.
I'll even be your accountability system if you want ;-) I'll harass you daily and request pictures and videos of your progress, doesn't that sound nice?!

So thanks for helping me to what I do. Thanks for keeping me honest. Thanks for letting me flex and dance around like a ninny. I do it for you because at the end of the day I do it for me.
The End.


Now go drink some water, cuz it's good for you.

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