Saturday, August 30, 2014



I've posted before on my leg workouts...

Here are a few more things I do...

Balance Board Squats. I usually do sets of 50. I do them randomly and often. The balance board is right in my room so every time I walk by it, I'm tempted...
It's the exact same relationship I have with Cheez-It's

At the Gym...
The stairclimber is awesome for legs. I have a love hate relationship with this guy. I love him because he hurts so good, and I hate him because he hurts so good.

This is where I do one of my favorite HIIT workouts
2 min @ level 8 (whatever your "moderate" level is)
30-45 seconds at level 18
recover at level 8 (how ever long this takes you, I take a few minutes)
30-45 seconds at level 18
recover at level 8
30-45 seconds at 20 (this is running for me, I'm short)
recover at level 8
30 seconds at level 20
Cool down
looks like this

The time varies on this. I always do at least 4 "intense" levels. If I don't take as long to recover, I can do this in 12 minutes. If I take a little longer, I'm about 16 minutes. Today was 16 minutes. 
During my "cool down" - I skip steps and do leg lifts for that butt thing down there. I do this for 1-2 minutes. You can really do any variation of these things. It's all about bringing up the heart rate and then a short recovery, then bringing it up again. Tis the best for ya man!

I'm a nasty sweaty mess when this is all said and done and my legs feel bueno!

Today I realized that I had a pair of shoes in my closet that perfectly matched my new FTYF tank... that was an amazing discovery.
My matching Diesels

Even though I just talked about was arm day in the weight-arena. Here's my really cheesy gym-selfie.
so on a related but not related note...
In the last two days, two of the pages I follow on Instagram posted MY picture on their pages... This basically made my entire YEAR. I feel so honored and humbled and blessed and all those crazy good things. I love working out and being fit and being healthy and I LOVE sharing my journey with others. If I inspire just one person, I feel I've done my job. It in turn inspires the crap out of me. I'm always learning and growing and I thank everyone for coming on this journey with me as we all teach each other new and exciting things!!
Here I am on @igfitmoms, follow them if you don't already and you are a fit momma!

and on the flextyfamous page...This is like beyond awesome!!
Cuz I love me some FTYF tanks! In case you couldn't tell....

and now.....
too bad we are a house divided and that other game is currently on the TV...

What game are you watching today?!

I can't believe it's football season...
Goodbye sweet summer...I'll miss the hell out of you

Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy. 


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