Monday, September 1, 2014

"A Year from now...." - Motivational Monday!!

Today is my "a year from now". Today. A year ago was the day I decided to change how I was living. Change how I was eating. Change how I was feeling. Change how I was looking. A year ago. 
I've seen this quote, and thought, "yeah, wish I would have started a year ago". Well today it's finally here. I can't tell you how awesome that makes me feel.

It was Labor Day, we were heading out for the evening and I had to put jeans on as it was going to be a little cooler... I hadn't worn jeans like all summer. So I put on my "normal" jeans... I could barely get them up. It wasn't happening. Hmm, that was a little alarming. So I tried the other pair... the bigger pair, the pair that had ALWAYS been a little big, but good to have around. Skin tight all the way down to my knees. It hurt to even button them. Shit. How?! How did I get here? How did this happen? Are you kidding me right now? Ok, Ok. ok. 
This is NOT ok. This is not going to work for me...
I was so in shock I actually took a picture. Wasn't quite convinced I was seeing what I was seeing. Oh, Yup...I was. Please see disclaimer at end of this blog.
So I made my step one that day. You can read about that HERE. I talk about it in my first blog post. (Please note the exact date was September 2, and today is September 1, but the day was also Labor Day, and today is Labor Day, so I'm saying today is my day, but tomorrow can also be my there). The point is...I started, and sometimes that's the HARDEST part. Start when you are ready to start, or better yet, start when you aren't ready. If you wait until you are ready, you will never be ready. If you start when you aren't ready, when things are shitty and tough and not right, it will be THAT much easier to keep going when things are shitty and tough and not right. Cuz guess what, things can be shitty and tough and not right a LOT. So Start. Do it ;-)

So here I am today, in the same jeans,  a year later. I held on to them because sometimes it's the best motivation. When I'm feeling fluffy and not good, I put them on and it amazes me how far I've come. I don't even need to unbutton them to put them on. They literally fall right off now. Excuse the low rise, but they don't stay on. That's right jeans... in. your. fat. face.

As I've shared before, I was 138 on this day last year. I'm 5'1". I'm short, and I was "husky". I'm now between 110 and 112, depending on the day. I wanted to rock 108 to say I lost 30lbs, but it's not exactly about the number on the scale. It's about how you feel and look. I'm SO much healthier than I was a year ago, and that was my #1 goal. Yes, I wanted those jeans to not be so skin tight as well, but with health, comes weight loss. When you focus on eating right and being active, the weight takes care of itself. I promise. I promise. 

I wish I would have taken more pics on day 1, but I was SO self conscious that it was the last thing on my mind. A few weeks later though, after I'd lost 6lbs, I did take pics and these are my "before"'s. Take pictures people!! It's a wonderful way to see how you are progressing. You don't have to share them with the world. Share them with yourself. It's all about YOU anyway!

So that's my story. That's my year. Almost 30lbs down, and feeling awesome. Feeling fit, feeling full of energy and life and LOVE!

So start today (if you haven't already!) I'd love to be there cheering you on in a year  from now. And if you've already started, I hope you have an awesome "year from now" !

*Disclaimer: I might not have seemed "big" to some people. Some people might look at this and shake their head. I am not comparing myself to anyone else, just as you should not compare yourself to me or anyone else. The only competition I have is ME. The only competition you should have is YOU. You will do so much better if you don't compare and only focus on being a better version of you. This was big for me. I wanted to be a better, fitter, leaner, toner ME. Do it for you, and do it for only you. Amen and God Bless :)

Thanks for stopping by!! 
and Happy Motivational Monday!!



  1. I am so happy to have found you and your blog. (tabathad321 on IG)
    Reading this post had me near tears - it sounded JUST LIKE ME. Except, three weeks ago lol! I am also very petite (4'11) and after quitting smoking 2.5 years ago, I packed on a good 20+ lbs. I had no idea I was doing it, either! (The last time I had weighed in at 127lbs, I was 6 months pregnant. Seriously.)
    Anyway, I took a long, hard internal review of myself, my habits, my choices and just decided to stop making excuses. It's still the very beginning of my journey - but it is so inspiring to read this post and feel okay about any bumps in the road. Thank you so much for sharing...*Tabatha*

    1. I replied below, not sure if it worked at first, my computer is acting crazy :)

  2. Aw! Thanks for reading! So glad you can relate!! 3 weeks is better than no weeks! You got this!! I seriously can't believe it's been a year. I would have NEVER thought I'd be at this point. The changes were slow, and then they seemed to get slower. I swear if it weren't for pictures and old baggy clothes I'd think nothing was happening. I work my butt off, but I also eat pizza and have weeks where I feel I've done nothing active at all. That's when I take a good look at my progress and kick my ass to stay on track. I'm not perfect, or even close too it. I'm just a normal mom who decided to make a change. It's totally possible! Best of luck to you!! and I love the nails! ;)

  3. I just found you and your blog on IG and you look amazing! I'm also a mom of 2 (my youngest is almost 6 mos) and while I don't have weight to lose I'd love to have your musculature. Will you share your approach to food and exercise style? I look forward to following you!

    1. Thanks for checking it out! :) As far as food, I'm all about a balanced diet. I eat carbs, protein and fat, all in moderation. I still count my calories as I don't trust myself otherwise (I used to overeat big time). So this helps me stay on track. But I still enjoy junk every now and then ;) I try to exercise daily in one form or another. For me it's all about switching it up and trying to new things too. Cardio and weight lifting are key for me :) I don't lift heavy, I have 10lb weights at home and that's what I use for everything. I'll do other things at the gym where I have more options, but I'm not lifting super heavy...yet ;) I've posted a lot of my workouts and will continue to do so :) Thanks for reading and good luck!

    2. Thank you so much for your response! I just now got it as the email I received went to my spam folder. I really appreciate you writing back and love seeing the pics of you working out with your daughters. I have a 4 yr old and she's the same way about workouts. It's fun to have mini fitness buddies. :) As for calorie counting, do you mind sharing what your intake is? Thanks again!

    3. Hi! As for calories, I was at just over 900. Now I'm doing the 21 Day Fix, have you heard of that? I actually eat more calories now, but with this program you eat from all the food groups and the portions are set out for you. I've lost 2 lbs in just over 3 days so far. It's crazy. I can give you more info you'd like. But yeah, between 900 and 1200 calories now :)

  4. Hi again! Sooo, I'm experiencing my first round of PMS during this lifestyle change...and it's almost kicking my butt! The cravings are awful - I guessed I didn't notice so much before because I just went ahead and satisfied those cravings lol. I've done a good job of keeping the pantry loaded with healthy (or heathier) options, but I can't get those brownies out of my head! LOL! Anyhow, just wondering if you've experienced this, too? Heard of anyone else dealing with it?
    (Btw - thanks for complimenting my mani-therapy...haha)

    1. Hi again! It's funny, I never had cravings of any sort until after I had my kids. After #2, I got my first sweet tooth. blah!! So it's all about balance and moderation... you never want to cut something out of your diet completely because then you'll end up failing in the end. I have a serious brownie problem too, so my fix is I won't buy them or keep them in the house :) But ,if you have to have one, then have half instead of all. So my favorite brownie of all time is the Little Debbie Brownie...I used to keep at least one box on hand at all times. So ONE of those TINY damn brownies has 280 calories...that's more than I eat in a typical well balanced MEAL. So when I changed my life and how I ate, I still had a box of these things, so I started small and would have half (still a lot of calories). Then I'd eat a quarter. Yes that seems silly cuz it's the tiniest piece ever, but if it's enough to satisfy the craving, then just go small :) The other thing is to find other sweet things to satisfy you. So lately the Dannon Greek yogurt has been doing this for me and it's amazing. it's only 80 calories for the whole cup. That with a big glass of water and i'm totally satisfied. Bananas also work for me when I crave something sweet. So test things out, see what works. You could also find the lower fat options and go with those. Of course they won't be as good, but you get used to the taste pretty quick. If you take these things away from your diet completely, you'll only make yourself mad. So a little is ok, just not a lot :) Hope that helps!!
