Monday, September 8, 2014

Need a little MOtivation for your MOnday?

MOtivational MOnday

You are ALREADY Great...but you're going to be don't stop! Maybe you ate a few bad things this weekend or skipped workouts...don't let that define you, just KEEP GOING!! Keep.Going.

So here's what went down this weekend over in EmilyK8Motivate Land...

Saturday morning I went for a run (Please note I was still sore from Piyo, awesome!)I decided it was "Run In All Courts Saturday". So this is only really possible if you live in a neighborhood with a lot of courts, otherwise it's a little difficult to play this game. If you find yourself court-less, please feel free to make up your own running game. I challenge you to make one up as exciting as "Run in All Courts Saturday"!
 So the rules are simple, on whatever path you take, make sure you run in all the courts! May seem silly, but you could be adding a lot of distance on to your run without "Feeling" like you are running far. So find those courts, big or small, and pay them a visit. They don't get enough attention as it is, so it's a nice thing to do...
I've made nice little arrows marking the courts, and yes, I managed to skip two courts but both were on the opposite side of the street and I wasn't in the mood to cross...No excuse though, I did not get an A+ at my own game. I'd give myself a B+ though ;) Next time, I'll take them all down...
Then I had a wedding shower to go too so I got to actually take off the workout clothes and put on a dress! 
Later in the day I decided to work on some core. I was watching football and decided to do this during all the commercial breaks
Start with your hands on the ground, trying not to bend your legs (great for working on flexibility!). Walk your hands out in front of you as far as you can into a plank (we call this version a hollow hold in the gymnastics world). Hold. Walk hands in just a bit. Push-Up (to the ground!). Walk hands all the way back in. Repeat. Just do as many as you can! You will feel this and shouldn't stop until your body is shaking violently. Seriously, when you are holding your plank you will start shaking like crazy. Ahhh, that's how you know it's working ;-)
Here's it is again...this time with music for your listening pleasure. Oh, and if you can, add a kid to your push-up, DO IT! You are only doing one push-up anyway, so make it count! That extra weight (30+lbs in my case) makes a BIG difference! Also, please feel free to do more push-ups if you want! One is Fun but Eight is Great, and Twenty is Plenty. Look out world...I'm super poetic today...
You can also have said child underneath you while you're in your plank...kind of hard to cheat when you have to worry about crushing a dear loved one...

I didn't even ask her to do this, she did it on her own. Thanks kiddo!
*Sidenote: I made the above videos on Sunday to show what I did on Saturday, so I technically did this stuff 2 days in a row. That's why you'll see the same outfit in the videos below which were also done on Sunday. I didn't want you to be confused and concerned. Ok Carry on.

Sunday I made a little trip to the gym for leg day. Here's what escalated...
I started with a 7 minute warm up on the treadmill. Why 7 minutes? Because sometimes 5 feels too short, and 10 just seems way too long...I have legs to burn and don't have those 3 extra minutes to dink around! ;-)
So I walked for 7 minutes at an 8% incline...this really got my legs buttered up. I've told you before to walk on in incline...have you?? I'm telling you again! Do it! It's so great for those legs! Try it! ;-)
I won't tell you what speed to walk, but will say this is your warm up, so WARM IT UP! It should be a good pace, you want to get your heart rate up. It's not a leisurely stroll. I'm short, so I walk at 3.6 mph. Any faster and I'm almost running. Thanks little legs. For a tall person, this is probably a stroll through the park. Do the speed that works for you and gets you ready :)
So here are my workout notes below, I won't go into detail, so if you have questions, just ask!
My legs were happypants when I left the gym. 
Later in the evening I did the icing on the cake, or as I prefer to say, the butter on the broccoli (cuz that's healthier ya know, as long as it's not too much butter, moderation is key my friends!). 
My mom scored a mini trampoline in perfect shape (and it folds!) at a garage sale for $10! Just made my life so much more exciting!
So I did 10 straight minutes of jumping and squatting on the mini tramp. No joke that was not fun. I mean, it was fun, in a good kind of burning bad good. 

I know not everyone has a mini tramp hanging around their house... you can do this on a big trampoline too! And I know like 84% of families these days seem to have a big trampoline, so get on out there before it snows!!
"Do Squats on me!!"

When I was putting the kids to bed, I figured it would be a good time to do some handstand push-ups against the wall...nothing like getting the kids all wired before they need to be asleep :-o 
I've made some progress with how low I get, so that was exciting. Please enjoy the video my 4 year old took...sorry if you get sea sick

So that about sums it up. Did some things at home, did some things at the gym, did some running... Feeling good!

Today is Monday and it's usually my rest day. Sorry Pinterest post that says "never miss a Monday workout". I do my big workouts over the weekend so by Monday I'm ready for that rest. 
I did however take a nice 2 mile walk with little #2 after dropping off little #1 at school. 
Not only was it a lovely little walk, it also validated that I worked my legs hard the day before. Sore city. Feels Sore good ;-)

So what did you do this weekend?! What are you doing today?! Try the core workout! It's really a good time, I promise! Let me know how it goes! 

Happy Monday!!


Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy.

and as always, thanks for reading!

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