Wednesday, September 10, 2014

COACH EmilyK8Motivate!

Are you ready for me to change your life?! Well the bad news is, I can't change your life. But the GOOD news is, I can help YOU change YOUR life! Seriously though, I can't make you workout. I can try really hard, but I wont' be physically lifting your lifeless body up to make you dance and squat and flex. I won't. I can't make you eat good food. I can try really hard and I can supply you with all the tools you need and shopping lists and recipes, but I won't physically come to your house and feed you like you are my 2 year old daughter. I won't. You can do these things however, and you CAN have my help. So what are you waiting for?!?!
I now have a facebook page: emilyk8motivate and you can head on over there for lots of good info. 
I'll be starting a Clean Eating challenge group on MONDAY. It's all free and all for you. Advice, recipes, shopping lists, etc. Everything you need for ONE WEEK of clean eating. Always wanted to attempt to eat clean but never knew where to start or what to buy? Now you will know. It's the perfect way to try something you that you probably wouldn't do on your own. The best part is that I'll be there every day, checking in, answering questions, keeping you motivated. It's only for 5 days... FIVE days! It's possible, and it's going to rock your world. Sounds amazing right?! ;-)

 So don't be scared. I'll be there holding your hand, just remember, I won't actually come over and feed you, so you're still going to need to do this yourself. Ok?! Cool.
Oh, and remember that abs are made in the kitchen...
They seriously and truly are
I'm not saying I have the best abs ever, I'm just saying that eating better has made a HUGE difference in my middle section there. Can't even wait to see what a week of clean eating will do! Look out world, I'll probably poke an eye out with how chiseled my abs will be. Seriously, it's going to be dangerous ;-)

So check out my page if you haven't already, and LIKE it! This is where I'll offer my personal training services, and be starting lots of fitness groups (private groups so the whole world doesn't have to see what you are up too, unless you want them too). 

I want to cater to every niche, so expect to see a group that should work perfectly for you. There may even be more than one for ya!
Want to be in a mommy workout group? Boom. We'll do it. 
Are you older and feeling discouraged by the slightly younger crowd jumping and dancing and flexing all over? Boom. I'll have a group for just you. 
Are you ready to take your workout to the next level and need that extra push? Boom. I'll push you right off that a good way. A very good way. (Think of it as a little cliff, and you are falling into a bucket of clouds, soft wonderful clouds - see, doesn't that sound nice?!)

Excited to see you over there ;-)


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