Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tip #234 - Getting those extra steps in ;)

Tip # 234

To help you be the best that you can be

My tips are not going to apply to everyone, and might not be possible ALL the time, but I'm going to throw them out there anyway. They are small tips that when added up, can be big changes. 

Here's today tip. Use the farthest bathroom
I shouldn't have to put the exceptions on here, you are big enough to figure them out. If you are in a mall on the second floor, I'm not always saying to find the bathroom on the first floor in the farthest away corner. If you go to the bathroom like my 4 year old and prefer to wait until the very absolute last second before you explode, then this isn't for you. If you have the extra time to take the extra steps, then keep reading...
What my toilet looks like

It's simple really. For those that have more that one bathroom in their house, just use the one that is the farthest away. I use my bedroom bathroom 99% of the time at my house. This means, if I'm in the kitchen, I have to go down the hall, up the stairs, down that hall, into my room, down the last hall and into the bathroom (it sounds like my house is a mansion but it is Not a mansion, sadly). 
That's approximately 50 steps each way (yes I counted). That's 100 steps total. So 10 trips to the bathroom is an extra 1,000 steps in my day (I drink a lot of water!). That's almost half a mile. That's 30,000 EXTRA steps a month. That's 362,000 extra steps a year. You get it?
So that's it. Try it. Get those extra steps in. Be active. Make everything count. Take the extra steps. Go the extra mile. Take over the world with your awesomeness. 

And if you don't pee enough then you don't DRINK enough!! Drink that water! It makes all good things happen inside of you, and who doesn't want that?!

Drink. Walk. Pee. Repeat. 

Your friend

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