Thursday, August 7, 2014

No Excuses, make the time! / There's just not time right now!


sorry for the language

Ah, that sweet little thing called time...that sweet little thing there's just never enough of, unless of course you are waiting for something exciting, then there's just too much time.
I haven't been here in a while because, well, there just hasn't been time. I tried to buy some more time at the store, and it was on clearance, because it was almost expired, so all the time it took to buy some more time just wasted so much time, and I ended up back where I started, wishing for more time...

Uber Positive "Motivational" Approach

There it is, that smack in the face telling you that if you want something, you make it happen, you find the time, you get the job done. I've been barking it at you too. 

It's the "no excuse" way of looking at life. And it's great, if nobody did it, nothing would get done and people would just complain all day every day about nothing getting done.
When you choose to lead a certain lifestyle, you've done just that, you've made a choice. I'm going to be healthy, fit, active, and I'm not going to let anything get in my way. I've posted tons of ways to get in shape, stay in shape, by just being at home. Some things just take minutes of your day, but it's better than nothing! Instead of sitting down to catch 30 minutes of TV, do 30 minutes of something active...take a walk, do some push-ups, dance around in circles in your living room. Or do jumping jacks while watching TV, you can have it all. Do squats or calf raises while making dinner...doing two things at once saves so much time! Amazing! There are always choices and you can always choose how you want to do things. You have to go grocery shopping, so park further away than you normally would, walk those extra steps (unless of course it's raining, then no, don't do that, definitely don't do that, unless you are so bad ass that you want to do that, then by all means go for it!). Make the time, share the time, borrow the what you have to do to get it done. The End.

Ok, Shit Just Got Real, This-is-real-life Approach

Sometimes life turns into a really huge pile of crap and you barely have time to breathe, let alone do some jumping jacks...
Yes, I'm all about motivation, but I'm also about being real. Some days there is honestly and seriously and pathetically NO time for anything extra and you're lucky to even get a snack in. I get this. I get you. Please don't think I'm bouncing off my walls 22 hours a day and taking selfies while doing it. I'm real, most of the time.
The last two weeks have been bat shit crazy around here. We had a death in the family, and my days went from dancing around the kitchen, to in the car, out of the car, take the kids here, drop them off there, run to this house, run to that house, pick up at the airport, drop off at the airport, make dinner, eat dinner, feed the dog, we have a dog? run back to this house, where are the kids? give me a beer, run to that house, stuck in traffic, I haven't grocery shopped in weeks, kiss the kids goodnight if you have time, pick up the kids from where ever they are, run back over to that house, have an anniversary dinner, we had an anniversary? clean the kitchen the dishes are out of control, don't forget the laundry, change the bed sheets, run back over to that house, and don't forget to feed and water the kids...those sweet sweet kids, who surprisingly just go with it all. No complaints from them...ever.
The last thing I want to do is lunges out to my car while loading up 18 bags of "important" crap that will find a new home in my garage. I don't want to park far away today, I want to park close and I want to just be done with it. I don't want to dance today, I want to just sit and eat my breakfast and be still. Very still. 
Life is life and it happens and it's real. You do what YOU need to do to get by. It's all about YOU in the end, even though it doesn't feel like it, and maybe it never will.  

Tomorrow though, tomorrow will be a new day, and I will try again. Today was a new day too and I took a run and then I took a shower. Huge steps from the craziness that has been life. You can be uber positive about it, and good for you if you are, or you can say, "you know what, this sucks and I'm going to pout about it for a minute or two", and good for you if you want to do that too.  

Life isn't always crap bags and puddles...there's good out there and sunshine and bubbles, sometimes the bubbles are just hiding under the crap and you have to pick up the shit from the backyard first before you can have fun. 

Keep on keeping though! We are all rock stars on the stage of life. Ooh man I'm so deep today.

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to read me. Now go do some squats! Just kidding, you don't have too. 


and hey, I hope you are at least enjoying your summer. I know I sure am, most of the time. Cheers!

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