Saturday, August 30, 2014



I've posted before on my leg workouts...

Here are a few more things I do...

Balance Board Squats. I usually do sets of 50. I do them randomly and often. The balance board is right in my room so every time I walk by it, I'm tempted...
It's the exact same relationship I have with Cheez-It's

At the Gym...
The stairclimber is awesome for legs. I have a love hate relationship with this guy. I love him because he hurts so good, and I hate him because he hurts so good.

This is where I do one of my favorite HIIT workouts
2 min @ level 8 (whatever your "moderate" level is)
30-45 seconds at level 18
recover at level 8 (how ever long this takes you, I take a few minutes)
30-45 seconds at level 18
recover at level 8
30-45 seconds at 20 (this is running for me, I'm short)
recover at level 8
30 seconds at level 20
Cool down
looks like this

The time varies on this. I always do at least 4 "intense" levels. If I don't take as long to recover, I can do this in 12 minutes. If I take a little longer, I'm about 16 minutes. Today was 16 minutes. 
During my "cool down" - I skip steps and do leg lifts for that butt thing down there. I do this for 1-2 minutes. You can really do any variation of these things. It's all about bringing up the heart rate and then a short recovery, then bringing it up again. Tis the best for ya man!

I'm a nasty sweaty mess when this is all said and done and my legs feel bueno!

Today I realized that I had a pair of shoes in my closet that perfectly matched my new FTYF tank... that was an amazing discovery.
My matching Diesels

Even though I just talked about was arm day in the weight-arena. Here's my really cheesy gym-selfie.
so on a related but not related note...
In the last two days, two of the pages I follow on Instagram posted MY picture on their pages... This basically made my entire YEAR. I feel so honored and humbled and blessed and all those crazy good things. I love working out and being fit and being healthy and I LOVE sharing my journey with others. If I inspire just one person, I feel I've done my job. It in turn inspires the crap out of me. I'm always learning and growing and I thank everyone for coming on this journey with me as we all teach each other new and exciting things!!
Here I am on @igfitmoms, follow them if you don't already and you are a fit momma!

and on the flextyfamous page...This is like beyond awesome!!
Cuz I love me some FTYF tanks! In case you couldn't tell....

and now.....
too bad we are a house divided and that other game is currently on the TV...

What game are you watching today?!

I can't believe it's football season...
Goodbye sweet summer...I'll miss the hell out of you

Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy. 


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Have an accountability system!

Do you have an accountability system?

Well...Do you?

Thanks to Pinterest I found an awesome article titled: 15 Habits of People Who Have Effectively Lost Over 20-30 Pounds and Kept it Off!

This is a GREAT article, I strongly urge you to read it now. You can find it HERE

As someone who has lost (give or take) 28 pounds, I found the article spot on. And considering my year anniversary of when I started is NEXT WEEK, I kind of consider myself one of those "people"... you can take my advice or you can leave it in a dumpster...but I think I'm doing something right.

I'm not going to go over the whole article here, as I've already provided the link and think you are fully capable of reading it yourself. But I AM going to go over the #4 Habit: Have an Accountability System!

I think this is one of the MOST important things with any weight loss/get in shape journey. Losing weight, getting fit, etc is NOT easy. It's super easy to fall, regress, gain weight back, quit, become discouraged and just give up. I know as I've done it many times. This is the first time in my life I've made the change, and kept the change. Thanks to having the habits in the article, and thanks to making it a lifestyle, NOT a diet. 

So my accountability system is YOU... This Blog, my Instagram, facebook, oh, and my bff fitbit. I take pictures ALL the time, and then I post said pictures. I'm sorry if you are sick of seeing them, but this is what works for me. It's so amazing to see your progress in front of you, because at times you really don't feel great. Looking back at pictures, or doing side-by-sides...all of a sudden it's right there, you see it again, and it keeps you going. 
I talk about what I do, I show you what I do, I take pictures and videos of what I do, and I do it TO HOLD MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE! Knowing that people see what I do, and knowing that I, in some small way, have motivated others, keeps me GOING! If there's a day I feel crappy and like I'm taking a step backwards, I think of you guys and what you would think... you honestly keep me honest, whether you realize it or not. This has become my passion, writing about my fitness journey, and what would I do if I suddenly stopped working out and just started eating like shit? I wouldn't have anything to write about, I wouldn't have anything to take videos of, and everything would just go away. Well, I'm not about to let that happen, sorry, you are stuck with me. You make it real for me, (kind of like the James Morrison song...)
seriously though...
                                                              "You Make It Real"

There's so much craziness surrounding me,
There's so much going on it gets hard to breathe
When all my faith has gone, you bring it back to me,
You make it real for me

When I'm not sure of my priorities,
When I've lost sight of where I'm meant to be
And like holy water washing over me,
You make it real for me

Ok, ok. I'm done gushing. 
The point is, get an accountability system if you don't already have one. It can be as simple as posting updates on facebook, letting people know what you are up too, taking pictures, using friends, using family.... find what works for YOU. And it really needs to WORK in order to WORK! Join a weight-loss group that makes you post updates, start walking around naked so people can see your progess... do something!
If people are in it with you, you'll never feel alone, and they'll be there for you to kick you in the badonk when you slip, skid, or totally crash head-on.
I'll even be your accountability system if you want ;-) I'll harass you daily and request pictures and videos of your progress, doesn't that sound nice?!

So thanks for helping me to what I do. Thanks for keeping me honest. Thanks for letting me flex and dance around like a ninny. I do it for you because at the end of the day I do it for me.
The End.


Now go drink some water, cuz it's good for you.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Weekend Shenanigans

Weekend Burn

So here's what I did this weekend to get the burn on...the good kind of muscle burn calorie burn make ya sweat burn...not any other kind of scary burn...good burn only...

I was feeling a little non-active, so I did some push-ups in the living room - 1 set of 34, 1 set of 30, 1 set of like 24 (eek I was tired), and another set of 30ish. 
Then I did some flexing and took some pics because on Friday's...we FLEX
I decided Friday evening after the kiddos were in bed that I wanted to go for a run. I always start off with a goal..."I'm going to run a few miles"...then, if all goes well, I always try to beat my goal.
I also had limited time (don't we all) as I don't want to run at dark and be abducted by aliens or anything.
I also had to get home for a very important clothing drop at favorite workin' out apparel by Flex Til You're Famous. You've see me sporting several of their shirts. They are bad ass. So this sums up my Friday night. After consuming pizza, eek, the run was much needed.
And I scored a new tank that I can't wait to wear! Pretty great considering they sold out in under 10 minutes...

Saturday brought beautiful weather and a walk to "our" park... a 1.26 mile round-trip walk to be exact. I pull the kids in the wagon and haul ass guessed's a great little workout ;-) I also take the long way home...always take the long way...ya know, unless it's tornado-ing or something.
Then I did the monkey bars about 4 times...across and back...until my hands said "STOP!"
It really hurts the hands...not sure how kids do it?! I guess I'll need to start wearing work-out gloves to the park...that'd be cool for sure.
Note: these go uphill

Then we moved on to the rings...did some core/oblique work

oh strong...strongest shadow of all time
 Saturday night...another run!
a little further than before...cuz I only have myself to beat

Sunday night I wanted to run again...but I also needed to help the husband hang drywall in the still went for a run, just a shorter run. I ran 1.28 miles in 12:54 at a 10:05 pace, then...when I got back to my street, I did walking lunges to complete my mission...I "lunged" 3 full houses....and then I almost died... seemed it would be easy at first...but it was NOT. Then in between some drywall sheets I did some squats...I think all the butts on the VMA's inspired me. Holy heck did you see the butts?! (yes I actually watched the VMA's...don't judge).
The point here is...sometimes you seriously only have 10 use them! Don't let the "only" be your excuse, let it be your reason! "ooh, I have 10 minutes to DO something right quick!" ;) #doit

Now it's Monday morning, and instead of feeling like I ate crap all weekend and did nothing, I feel slightly sore...and pretty darn good. To top if off, I helped hang drywall, vacuumed 18 times, and even bought a new dining room rug. Woo HOO!

So happy hot and humid Monday ya'll! 
Hope you found an ounce of motivation in my shenanigans...and if not...that's ok too. I thank you anyway for taking time out of your life to hang with me  ;-)

One more week until it's back to school time! EEk! :-(

Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

5K Prep and an Ice Bucket

5K Prep

So now that I love running, I'm always trying to find ways to change it up. However, it's running, there's not a lot you can do's like you are either running or you're not ;)
But you can still do interval training, and there's lots of different kinds. If you read me before you know I love to run/walk up hill, so that's a little of what I did today.

Here's how it went down on the treadmill:
Warm up 2 minutes
Run for 20 minutes - at your own pace, however far that takes you
after the 20 minutes, walk uphill at an 8% incline for 5 minutes. Keep the pace up here, you want to keep your heart rate up, and feel the burn in your legs. That sweet sweet burn ;)
After 5 minutes, put the incline back down to 0% and run the rest of your 5K. For me this was just about a mile. I always find it's so much easier to run after I've been going uphill. It really is, try it. 

So here's my time after my run/walk
Then cool down for 5 minutes. Always cool down.

See now! Wasn't that fun!

And of course I did the ALS Ice bucket challenge
Here's the clip I put together for my kids since this is the only part they cared about

Please consider donating to or

Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ankle Weight Wednesday and Snacks



Sorry I haven't posted in an entire week! I know you've been sitting around waiting and waiting and worrying and waiting....but I'm here now, so it's OK.

Here's my ankle weight workouts for ya today

first I did 50 minutes of DSKO with ankle weights
Check out the facebook page here!
Here are some pics of our 90 minute awesome session on Sunday night


Here's a few more

Gotta love the kiddos helping!

Next up: snacking!
It's SO important to eat balanced meals throughout the day.  You want to make sure you are getting enough carbs, proteins and good fat. Here are a few of my favorite snacks. YUM

Gotta get those veggies in, and only 30 delicious calories. Some people hate this stuff, I love it. LOVE.

String cheese is Boss. Good clean protein. and look I have my ankle weights on...
This stuff is SO good! Protein city! Makes me so happy.
Keep moving. Keep eating. Keep drinking (water). Be healthy. Be happy. 


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It's Ankle Weight Wednesday People!

It's Ankle Weight Wednesday and I'm Baaaack!

If you follow my Instagram, you are already well aware what day it is

I've been a sick the last 5 days or so and it's been awful. I've done nothing active, unless you count sitting on the couch as an exciting activity. And vacuuming, I will always vacuum, no matter how sick I am. Weird true story.

Ok let's get right to it! It's Wednesday, so I hope this day finds you wearing ankle weights and dancing around your house with glee! I mean really, what else are you going to do? Even if you are at work, I'm sure you're coworkers are fully aware that it's Ankle Weight Wednesday and will think nothing of you sporting your shiny new weights. Strap. Them. On. 

Now do a few kicks and call it a day.

If you really want to be extreme, do some jumping jacks too!
This is what it looks like to work out with kids. Remember that you are their example, they do what you do and they want to be what you are. Be a good example. Be an example of health and fun and all things good. My kids love to "exercise" and build strong muscles. It's not like I'm dragging them to the gym and making them do 100lb leg presses (I'll weight until they're at least 5 for that...).

Check out my other Ankle Weight Wednesday posts for more fun things to do

and I'm fully aware that I wear these shorts too much. I just like them and I can't help it. 
Go Blue


Thursday, August 7, 2014

No Excuses, make the time! / There's just not time right now!


sorry for the language

Ah, that sweet little thing called time...that sweet little thing there's just never enough of, unless of course you are waiting for something exciting, then there's just too much time.
I haven't been here in a while because, well, there just hasn't been time. I tried to buy some more time at the store, and it was on clearance, because it was almost expired, so all the time it took to buy some more time just wasted so much time, and I ended up back where I started, wishing for more time...

Uber Positive "Motivational" Approach

There it is, that smack in the face telling you that if you want something, you make it happen, you find the time, you get the job done. I've been barking it at you too. 

It's the "no excuse" way of looking at life. And it's great, if nobody did it, nothing would get done and people would just complain all day every day about nothing getting done.
When you choose to lead a certain lifestyle, you've done just that, you've made a choice. I'm going to be healthy, fit, active, and I'm not going to let anything get in my way. I've posted tons of ways to get in shape, stay in shape, by just being at home. Some things just take minutes of your day, but it's better than nothing! Instead of sitting down to catch 30 minutes of TV, do 30 minutes of something active...take a walk, do some push-ups, dance around in circles in your living room. Or do jumping jacks while watching TV, you can have it all. Do squats or calf raises while making dinner...doing two things at once saves so much time! Amazing! There are always choices and you can always choose how you want to do things. You have to go grocery shopping, so park further away than you normally would, walk those extra steps (unless of course it's raining, then no, don't do that, definitely don't do that, unless you are so bad ass that you want to do that, then by all means go for it!). Make the time, share the time, borrow the what you have to do to get it done. The End.

Ok, Shit Just Got Real, This-is-real-life Approach

Sometimes life turns into a really huge pile of crap and you barely have time to breathe, let alone do some jumping jacks...
Yes, I'm all about motivation, but I'm also about being real. Some days there is honestly and seriously and pathetically NO time for anything extra and you're lucky to even get a snack in. I get this. I get you. Please don't think I'm bouncing off my walls 22 hours a day and taking selfies while doing it. I'm real, most of the time.
The last two weeks have been bat shit crazy around here. We had a death in the family, and my days went from dancing around the kitchen, to in the car, out of the car, take the kids here, drop them off there, run to this house, run to that house, pick up at the airport, drop off at the airport, make dinner, eat dinner, feed the dog, we have a dog? run back to this house, where are the kids? give me a beer, run to that house, stuck in traffic, I haven't grocery shopped in weeks, kiss the kids goodnight if you have time, pick up the kids from where ever they are, run back over to that house, have an anniversary dinner, we had an anniversary? clean the kitchen the dishes are out of control, don't forget the laundry, change the bed sheets, run back over to that house, and don't forget to feed and water the kids...those sweet sweet kids, who surprisingly just go with it all. No complaints from them...ever.
The last thing I want to do is lunges out to my car while loading up 18 bags of "important" crap that will find a new home in my garage. I don't want to park far away today, I want to park close and I want to just be done with it. I don't want to dance today, I want to just sit and eat my breakfast and be still. Very still. 
Life is life and it happens and it's real. You do what YOU need to do to get by. It's all about YOU in the end, even though it doesn't feel like it, and maybe it never will.  

Tomorrow though, tomorrow will be a new day, and I will try again. Today was a new day too and I took a run and then I took a shower. Huge steps from the craziness that has been life. You can be uber positive about it, and good for you if you are, or you can say, "you know what, this sucks and I'm going to pout about it for a minute or two", and good for you if you want to do that too.  

Life isn't always crap bags and puddles...there's good out there and sunshine and bubbles, sometimes the bubbles are just hiding under the crap and you have to pick up the shit from the backyard first before you can have fun. 

Keep on keeping though! We are all rock stars on the stage of life. Ooh man I'm so deep today.

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to read me. Now go do some squats! Just kidding, you don't have too. 


and hey, I hope you are at least enjoying your summer. I know I sure am, most of the time. Cheers!